Tag: Envy

Judging by Appearance

Jesus said, “Do not judge by appearance, but judge with righteous judgment” (Jn. 7:24).

How often do we judge a situation or an individual by appearance? Probably more often than we should.

We rarely learn the facts or talk with the person to know them. Sadly, this almost always leads to wrong conclusions and unfair assessments.

The envy and jealousy of the religious leaders toward Jesus moved them to pursue whatever extremes necessary to remove this threat to their power.

When leaders today judge by appearance, righteous judgment is hindered. The results are always destructive.

Guarding Against Materialism…

The most prevalent way to meet Satan head on is knowing how he attacks. One specific area he uses to destroy the faith of Christians is materialism. We’ve all seen the affects of materialism in our own lives and in others.

The struggle and desire for “things” is a universal epidemic. Sadly, it creates other sinful attitudes and issues. We can easily develop envy, jealousy, greed, and become idolatrous.

Leaders must rise up and guard the faith of Christians. They must set the example and seek ways to assist others who struggle in this battle. 

Perhaps the first step would be to seek God’s help.