Tag: Ephesus

God’s Workmanship

In his letter to the church at Ephesus, Paul paints a beautiful picture of what God creates in Christ Jesus, described as “His workmanship.”

The root form of this word means “to make happen.” God is instrumental in making a new creation happen through Christ Jesus (cf. 2 Co. 5:17).

The idea further indicates the purpose for which we have been made His workmanship: to make good works happen that were previously prepared by God.

An application to leadership seems obvious. God has given leaders an opportunity to lead in the greatest work on earth, the workmanship of God to make His will happen.

Think Big

Paul highlights God’s power to think in the realm beyond all we ask or think in his letter to the church at Ephesus.

Like most leaders, we tend to think too small. We can fabricate a number of reasons, but in the end, we place God in a box where we think He will not do something because we are convinced we can’t do it.

We need to stop limiting God and start thinking big, at least bigger than we have in the past.

What would we attempt to do if we knew we could not fail? Think about it.