Tag: Equip

Developing Others

Spiritual leadership should be based on a thought expressed by Harvey S. Firestone, “It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed.”

We must equip and train others to lead. Who will replace you and me? Are we preparing them for the work?

From a worldly perspective, leadership is inward focused. One must be self-centered in order to make one’s own way.

Jesus developed the apostles for a task that was quite different. The success of their work continues today.

The success of our leadership, and the future of the church, rests on developing others.

Lead Like Jesus

Jesus taught, encouraged, admonished, and equipped twelve men in preparation for the work He commissioned them to fulfill.

Teach: Teaching often falls short when it comes to application. Information is good, but how to use that information is better.

Encourage: The power behind encouragement motivates people to work harder than before. When criticism is tempered with encouragement, people change.

Admonish: Warning, advising, or even reprimanding others is needed to prevent harm. The attitude behind admonition determines the reception.

Equip: Providing the necessary tools to fulfill a given task and responsibility leads to the success of followers, especially as they are prepared to lead.

Self-Differentiated Leaders

Edwin Friedman identified a number of concepts associated with a self-differentiated leader.

They know who they are: There is clarity about their life goals and they possess a great self-awareness.

They are part of the system, but not controlled by it: They can be separate while remaining connected, manage their own reactivity to others, and are less likely to become lost in the anxious emotional processes around them.

They are able to take stands at the risk of displeasing others: As a steward who balances presence and technique, they have the ability to deal with the super responsible and vulnerable.

Equipping leaders under this umbrella provides a greater maturity for spiritual leadership.

Teach, Encourage, Admonish, Equip

Jesus taught, encouraged, admonished, and equipped twelve men to go and make disciples.

Think about how Jesus individualized each word.

Teach: People will only do what they are taught to do, and our teaching must include application. When provided, everyone learns how to fulfill the task.

Encouraging others motivates them to work harder than before. When criticism is tempered with encouragement, people change.

Admonish: Warning, advising, or even reprimanding others is needed to prevent harm. The attitude behind admonition determines the reception.

Equip: Providing tools to fulfill each task and responsibility are vital to the success of followers, especially as we prepare them to lead.

In Sync Leadership

To be “in sync” involves harmony between our own life and the lives of others, especially those we lead. How can leaders work with others in ways that leave both feeling in sync?

1) Listen. The idea of active listening involves the ability to listen with the head and heart.

2) Equip. An urgent requisite includes equipping others with the tools to accomplish the task.

3) Motivate. Leaders must encourage and inspire others in order to be on the same page.

4) Reward. When the job is done well and reaches its end, the achievement deserves a time to celebrate the victory.

Four Words…

Jesus taught, encouraged, admonished, and equipped disciples in preparation for the work He commissioned them to fulfill.

Teach: People will only do what they are learn to do. When application is taught, we all learn how to fulfill the task.

Encourage: When criticism is tempered with encouragement, people change.

Admonish: Warning, advising, or even reprimanding others is needed to prevent harm from occurring in their lives.

Equip: Providing the necessary tools to fulfill the given task and responsibility is vital to the success of followers.

Stop Picking Up The Slack…

Who picks up the slack when someone fails to fulfill their responsibility? Usually, it is a leader.

When leaders take the responsibility because someone a) does not know how, b) is unwilling, or c) is too lazy to do the work, they create challenges to their leadership.

In order to turn the situation around, consider the following.

1) Evaluate all the details.
2) Learn the art of delegating.
3) Start with smaller responsibilities and increase as faithfulness is demonstrated.
4) Equip others with the proper tools.
5) Trust the job will get done, and reward accordingly.

These few steps help leaders move forward.

Empowering Leaders…

For leaders to empower others, they cannot allow ego, pride, fear of replacement, or anything else hinder them from helping others reach their potential as leaders. 

Bill Gates said, “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”

Here are a few suggestions to help empowering leaders.

Identify the skills sets of each individual.
Extend opportunities to learn and grow their abilities.
Provide the necessary tools to succeed.
Motivate, motivate, and motivate more.
Turn it loose and let them work at the task.
Celebrate each success.

Focus on others and develop them to lead. Empower them and watch how God works to make it grow.