Tag: Ethical


The bottom line does not always give an accurate assessment of success or failure.

When we gauge success strictly by the numbers we miss how God works to achieve His will. To God, success is found when husbands love their wives as Christ loved the church, when wives submit to their husbands as to the Lord, when children obey their parents, and when fathers train their children up in the Lord.

Success is found in the moral and ethical behavior of Christians in the world.

When Christians feed on the word of God, mature in their faith, and the pattern of leadership is followed, God sees success.

The Right Character

Leaders know stressful situations will come. The obvious concern involves how we deal with those situations and the consequences.

We also know how our character influences those decisions. Therefore, we must strive to maintain the kind of character that moves us toward right decisions.

Our oldest son once said, “As leaders, the ability to make the right decision during a stressful situation is made easier by having the right character because all the unethical choices are automatically removed.”

Think about it. When leaders possess and maintain the right character, choices are clearer because any choice that borders on an unethical intent is not an option.