Tag: Examine

Reflection of a Leader

Have you looked in the mirror lately? The idea of looking into a mirror dates back to Biblical times.

Mirrors reflect the image standing before it. The concept can be literal or symbolic, physical or spiritual. James writes about the need to look into God’s word like a mirror and see how it is reflected in our lives.

Spiritual leaders need to desperately look into the mirror of their leadership. The image reflected helps determine the core of our existence and what we desire to accomplish.

Look intently. Examine beyond the surface. Make the changes needed. Lead with purpose based upon true reflection.

Leadership Instant Replay…

Instant replay slows down the action to examine every angle of a tackle or pass, a pitch or batter’s swing, a three point shot or gliding slam dunk, and the same is true with other events.

Think about a leadership instant replay.

How would it change our leadership if we could review our words and actions? 

What would the future look like if we could carefully examine each play?

While we cannot change the past, we can evaluate and make changes. Learn from mistakes of the past. Recognize warning signs. Think before speaking and acting, especially if angry.

In some ways, it is a leadership instant replay.

An Objective Leader…

Objectivity carries the thought of being uninfluenced by personal feelings or opinions when considering and representing facts. The ability to lead objectively is rare, if not impossible.

Jesus said, “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment” (Jn. 7:24).

From this thought we learn several lessons.

Examine the facts carefully. Make certain all the facts have been gathered.
Study more deeply and diligently. Emotions tend to rationalize truth. Dig!
Ask penetrating questions. Good questions develop depth to the information.

One word that should characterize the quality of all leaders is objectivity.