Tag: Feedback

Assessing Leadership Growth

How can leadership be accurately assessed for growth?

It is hard to determine a more difficult question to answer, but here are a few possible suggestions.

First, consider the activity of those who follow. If there is no activity, then our leadership may not be growing. Growth can be measured by application.

Second, examine carefully responses given in feedback. Positive and negative feedback have a powerful place when assessing our development.

Third, find a mentor. The value of having someone examine the growth and advancement of leadership is immeasurable.

Leadership development is critical to the growth of any organization.

Responsive Leadership…

Spiritual leaders must respond readily and with interest or enthusiasm. Situations may occur where a quick response is inappropriate due to a lack of or the wrong information. However, when leaders are responsive, it builds confidence and morale.

Responsiveness means being well informed (do not hide from what is going on, be knowledgeable), being well read (be a student, read material for growth, leisure, and wisdom), being open to feedback (it is surprising what others see we may not see ourselves), and being patient (new skills in leadership are the result of development, and it takes time).

The Leadership Experience…

“Leaders aren’t built by just jumping in and figuring it out––they’re built through constant input and feedback from an experienced leader.” Mac Lake

When we understand that leaders make leaders, this thought makes perfect sense. However, for many, the approach to leadership is based on the SOS model, the idea that if you throw someone into the deep end of leadership, they either “sink or swim.” The other approach is the YO-YO model, “You are on your own.” 

Great leaders develop when they receive input, guidance, and feedback from experienced leaders. This mentoring gives future leaders opportunity to grow properly.