Tag: Finish Well

Finish Well

One of the strongest and most exciting areas of developing any project is the beginning. The morale and enthusiasm are high as the wheels begin turning.

Because we are often a short-sighted, immediate satisfaction, and gratification oriented people the long range goals can, at times, fail to reach fruition.

Weariness, stress, slow movement, and discouragement set in and cause us to forget or lose sight of the excitement the original goals provided.

Instead of giving way to the pressures of accommodating the latest whim, let us stay the course and finish well.

Finish Well

Endurance is a powerful sentiment for leadership. Endurance also points to the nature in which one finishes.

Yes, we are all aware it is not about finishing first, but it is about finishing well. Years ago the phrase was coined, “Finish like a runner.” No matter how slow the pace is during the race, when it comes to finishing the race, finish like a runner, finish strong.

In leadership circles, the idea of finishing well is used to indicate the need to avoid the point of abandoning the faith and the purpose for which we lead.

Let us finish, but let us finish well.

Finishing Well

Spiritual leadership faces many challenges which can and will be overwhelming. These challenges can distract and discourage you. How can you finish well?

Determine the priorities. Discouragement leads to quitting. Know what is worth dying for and give yourself to it.

Work hard. Several years ago the Mumford & Son’s band shared the secret to their success. The point was a simple, but powerful truth. They work hard.

Keep your eye on the goal. Challenges bring distractions. Peter encouraged Christians facing persecution to keep their focus on the goal.

Finishing well is just as vital as beginning well.

No Retreat

At times, it can be easy to give up on something before finishing it, to turn and go the other way. The decision to go the opposite direction can seem quick and easy.

Leaders must possess a different mindset. We cannot, we must not allow the challenges of reaching our desired goal prevent us from finishing well.

Remember the greater good of the cause for which you are working, surround yourself with affirmations that point to reaching the goal, and make sure the right people are involved in doing the job.

Avoid the retreat mentality and move forward with confidence.