Tag: Followers

Uniformity in Leadership…

Uniformity is based on developing consistency, invariability, stability, and regularity. 

Leaders must demonstrate the consistency of a life lived according what is believed and proclaimed.

The invariability of leading without fail or exception is critical to the success of strong leadership.

Followers need stability. There is something secure about having a rock solid leadership.

The quality of regularity is demonstrated by a leadership that is fixed, unchanging, and unvarying. 

When others can count on their leader, they follow…anywhere, and uniformity is key to leading as God would have us lead today.

Details Matter…

Details make a difference. 

Spiritual leadership involves a number of significant areas within the church and our world. If not careful, we can easily lose sight of the details only to focus on what we see as a larger, big picture, idea of scripture and the work.

At times it may be a word, phrase, or suggestion, but those details bring a wealth of blessing to our leadership. We will also find it provides a great blessing to those who follow.

While we pour ourselves into our study of scripture, let us take time to observe and pay attention to the details God intends for us to learn.

True and Lasting Leadership…

Leadership is about those who follow. General Douglas MacArthur said, “A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command make him.”

Leaders can become so enamored with leading that they focus on themselves, forgetting their influence in the lives of others.

Interestingly, General MacArthur emphasized that a leader is just as good or bad as followers make them.

Listen to those who are led. What do they say or do? Careful observation reveals a great deal about leadership.

A true and lasting impact is built upon a leader who places emphasis upon others rather than themselves.

Trusting Leadership…

You may or may not remember the television show To Tell The Truth. Two of the three participants involved would lie about events and people in their lives in an effort to fool a panel of people questioning them.

Leadership must be different.

People only follow leaders they trust. As leaders, our character should stand on its own. We should always be a people of our word and of the Word. Jesus said, “Let your yes be yes, and your no, no.” 

There should never be a question as to our identity, and our character must exemplify the Christlike leadership we read about in the Bible.