Tag: Fruit


A former student, Bill West, summarized Kenneson’s approach to self-control in a powerful way.

The paradox of self-control is clearly stated, self-control is about being master over self by making self the servant (224). In both cases, the master, and subject are both self. Self-control should not be focused on self. While this at first seems to be confusing, Kenneson does a great job of explaining what he means.

Most people read the fruit of the Spirit as things to be done outward, towards other people, then come to self-control and see this as being focused inwardly. This is an incorrect assumption. Self-control, like the rest, is to be focused on others, or as Kenneson puts it ‘other-directed” (237).

I encourage you to get Kenneson’s book and read the depths of his approach to this subject.

A Righteous Leader…

Righteous leaders flourish like a palm tree. Notice their characteristics.

Grow like a cedar in Lebanon, a dynamic characteristic.

Planted in the house of the Lord, a strong root system.

Flourish in the courts of our God, a healthy development.

Yield fruit in old age, the beauty of godly leadership.

Full of sap and green, reflecting youthful strength and vigor.

Declare that the Lord is upright, which draws out purpose.

A righteous leader experiences these benefits and they bring others into the greatness of God. Let us lead with the righteous spirit of godliness.

Cultivating Leaders…

One analogy of good leadership is connected to the law of harvest. Few illustrations are more powerful than planting a seed, cultivating it, and watching it grow into something beautiful.

Here are a few truths to remember.

Leaders cannot always know where the seed is going to land.

Our leadership will have mixed reception.

Perseverance is an essential quality in leaders.

Producing good fruit requires patience from leaders.

Lives are changed by good leaders and it is worth our time to ensure we cultivate the seed properly for good soil to be productive.