Tag: Glorify

Future Leaders

The future of leadership hinges on several factors.

Learn from history. Spiritual leaders are students of God’s word and they apply it.

Be students of the present. We need to observe and learn from current leaders and followers.

Desire to serve others. Leadership must be more concerned with serving than being served.

Glorify God. Leadership should be motivated and driven with this purpose.

Develop a plan. Developing a plan is vital for the right direction. These steps provide a foundation.

We do not know the future, but a few steps will help secure the future of spiritual leaders.


Light is defined as “a source of illumination.” Light, however, is so much more when we consider what it actually does and what it symbolizes for spiritual leaders.

Jesus claimed to be the “light of the world.” He also said His disciples were the “light of the world, a city set on a hill,” and followed this by saying, “Let your light shine.”

Leaders need to illuminate a vision that is built on faith and trust in God.

Our light should shine forth the example of Jesus as revealed throughout the Gospels. When this happens, our good works are seen in such a way that others will glorify God.

Strength in Numbers

When we go at life alone, we are vulnerable. Satan wants us to try and make it on our own because we are vulnerable to his attacks. Learning to avoid the “Elijah Syndrome” is critical to the strength of our success in honoring and glorifying our God.

Consider the strength in leadership when there is counsel from several. The attempts to make decisions and implement plans on our own will most certainly meet with challenges at best and failure at worst.

There is strength in numbers. It is true in every area of life and leadership. The benefits far outweigh the consequences of going at it alone.

Testify, Magnify, and Glorify

I once saw an email tag with this phrase: “let my words testify…let my actions magnify…let my heart glorify the Lord.”

The words we speak, the actions we demonstrate, and the attitudes we portray become the building blocks for our leadership.

The church, the world, co-workers, friends, neighbors, and our family are all watching. They measure our character by the words and actions that display our attitude.

Spiritual leaders must constantly and diligently guard every aspect of life.

Let our words testify…Let our actions magnify…Let our hearts glorify the Lord.

Purpose-Driven Leaders

The reason for which something is done, created, or for which it exists speaks to purpose.

What is the reason for our leadership?
How is our leadership created?
Why does our leadership exist?

These questions provoke deeper thought when we consider leading others.

The reason for our leadership is the cause of Christ.
We create leadership through learning and experience.
Our leadership exists because God planned, designed, and needs His people to change the world.

The worldview of each individual influences their purpose in life. As Christians, we know that our purpose is to glorify God!

Godly Counsel…

We are urged not to walk in the counsel of the wicked in Psalm 1. Later in the Psalms, David expresses the need to wait for the counsel of the Lord, because His counsel endures forever.

Leadership should always provide counsel based on the word of God. When leaders provide godly counsel, several beautiful things occur. 

1) God is glorified.

2) His people are built up in the faith.

3) Leadership is strengthened in righteousness. 

4) The future is secured.

Let leaders learn today from the example of Joshua (Jos. 9), then pursue and provide godly counsel.