Tag: God

Ability, Motivation, Attitude

Lou Holtz once expressed, “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”

Scripture indicates we all have abilities. God intends for us to grow His church by utilizing our abilities.

What motivates us when we examine the leadership situation today? Are we comfortable with leadership left to someone else?

The choice of attitude is critical. When our attitude is misguided, motivation suffers.

It is time to step up. If not, the future of the church may rest in the hands of those who are incapable, unmotivated, and misguided. Where will that leave the church?


For most, change can be an ugly word and, if done improperly, it is destructive.

Not all change is good, but not all change is bad either.

Change is essential in our relationship with God.

Change begins in the mind. Without explaining why the change is needed, attempts to bring change are futile.

A change of mind is followed by a change of action. Once we understand why we need to change, our actions should reflect the benefit of such knowledge.

Jack Welch said, “If the rate of change inside an organization is less than the rate of change outside the organization…their end is in sight.” Think about it.


Have you ever observed people at the mall, grocery store, bank, airport, or driving down the highway. Who are they? Where do they live? Where are they going? Are they married? Do they have children…grandchildren? Do they believe in God?

The questions are endless. The number of people in this world is mind boggling.

The only way to know anything about them is to get involved in their lives. It is a challenging step. How can we lead them to Jesus without this connection?

Leading anyone to Christ involves moving past our fear and getting connected. The emotional connection of genuine love makes all the difference.


One of the greatest needs in our world and one of the greatest challenges involves love.

As Christians who grow and nurture our relationship with God we can easily lose sight of our past life, a time when we were described as helpless, ungodly, sinners, and enemies. In this condition, Paul says God demonstrates His love toward us.

Paul did not say demonstrated, as in past tense. The word is present active showing that God demonstrates His love now and it continues with no thought of coming to an end.

To lead others to the love of God, we must demonstrate the nature of God’s love.

Ambitious Leadership

Defining ambition is not difficult. The difficulty arises when we consider where our ambition lies.

Is our ambition driven by financial security, power, or authority?

Would our ambition be characterized by selfish and physical priorities, or a spiritual focus?

Paul identified an ambition that was spiritually and eternally developed, because we make it our ambition to please the Lord.

When our leadership is driven to please the Lord it changes our approach to every area of life, and the church will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior.

Hold the Helm

Consider a statement made by Publilius Syrus, “Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.” Perhaps we could say, “It is not difficult to have faith when life is going well.”

The challenge to faith (holding the helm) involves trusting that God is in control and engaged in life, that He looks out for your best interest even when life is not going well.

Spiritual leaders will face numerous storms, disbelief in the vision and goals often exists, jealousy that creates doubt in your motives, and gossip, slander, and malice spread discrediting you.

Hold the helm! Remain strong in the faith! Keep your eyes focused on Jesus! Continue to lead!


The power of uniformity is based on the development of consistency, invariability, stability, and the regularity that characterizes leadership.

These four words are the defining qualities of uniformity.

Consistency must be lived according to the message believed and proclaimed.

No matter what the cost, invariably, leaders must show up.

Followers need leaders with stability, which provides them with security.

Regularity is fixed and unchanging, without varying.

Uniformity is critical in leading as God desires. While there may be challenges to the development and fulfillment of these qualities, when we practice them, our leadership grows stronger and lasts longer.

Working Together

“It takes a village to raise a child.” Whether we agree or disagree, one thought is clear, each part is connected and contributes value to the development of the whole. This includes leadership.

Followers need leaders and leaders need followers. Each relies on the other to fill specific gaps that develop stronger relationships.

God designed the church this way. Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 claim the church consists of numerous individuals possessing a variety of gifts. One gift is not greater than another, one person is not more valuable than another, and the proper function of the whole requires each to exercise their ability accordingly.


Children ask many questions, specifically “Why?”. Children want to know the reasons behind what we say and do.

This question is also applicable when thinking about leadership.

Why are leaders needed?
Why do we need to make this decision?
Why are we making this decision at this time?
Why should “I” lead?

Take a moment to look through the gospel accounts and consider how to answer the questions Jesus asks, starting here.

Why are you worried?
Why are you afraid?
Why are you testing Me?
Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,” and do not do what I say?

Think about it!

Tools, Ability, Opportunity

Wonderful tools are available that improve our ability to lead. However, there are several questions we need to consider regarding our approach to leading with these possibilities.

Are we using these tools to help us improve our leadership?

How are we using these tools to benefit the lives of those who follow?

Do we make excuses for why we are not using these tools, or working to learn how to use them?

One day we will be held accountable for the tools, ability, and opportunities God has entrusted to us.

We cannot excuse ourselves by saying we did not want to learn how to use them.