Tag: God

Helping Others

Observation is one of the most powerful exercises for leaders.

Leadership is about people and unless we observe how God works to provide opportunity to lead, we will miss the possibility of helping others.

There is an ancient Chinese proverb that teaches this principle: “If you want happiness for an hour — take a nap. If you want happiness for a day — go fishing. If you want happiness for a year — inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime — help someone else.”

Helping others can only occur when leaders observe the people God places in their lives each day.

Test of Leadership

Abraham is a great example specifically identified with the testing of his faith. “God tested Abraham” is how the text begins with the command from God to offer his only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering.

James speaks to the purpose of testing as a way to produce endurance which ultimately results in completeness.

How should we respond to tests within our leadership?

Prayer is the best place to begin.
Hold fast to the word of God.
Seek the counsel of spiritual and godly leaders.
Remember to trust God is working to prepare us.


A mission often relates to accomplishing specific tasks within a designated time frame: military tactics, political advancements, corporate positioning, and religious direction.

God’s mission was established before the foundation of the world (Ep. 1:4), promised to Abraham (Gen. 12:1-4), prophesied to David (2 Sam. 7:12), fulfilled in the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (Mt. – Jn.), and directed through the apostles (Mt. 28:19-20; Ep. 4:11-16).

Leaders play a significant role in the mission of God to lead His people to a better place.

If our mission today does not align with His mission, then we need to refocus our purpose.


Preparation is essential in every area of life. The lack of preparation often results in consequences that damage our influence and leadership.

God designed leadership to be self-sacrificing, one of self-denial where others are more important than self.

Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi is a quick read, but one filled with depth about the type of influence leaders were intended to have through an “others-centric” style of leading.

The right mind (humility), the right example (Christ), the right design (interest of others), and the right motive (abounding love and grace).

With this combination, leaders prepare themselves to lead with significance. The result makes an eternal difference.


Courage is a choice made in the moment it is needed.

We could talk about areas that create fear and the fallout from it. We could also examine a number of ways to overcome fear.

We know the value of healthy fear when danger can inflect harm.

What really enables us to overcome the battles and storms of life that seem to intimidate and discourage us? What empowers us to overcome the insecurities, doubt, and distractions that prevent the choice of courage?

Through it all, one powerful thought is needed for leaders. God is with us and He is for us. Read Romans 8:31-39.

Trustworthy Character

Our culture has a great propensity to act one way, yet at the core be something completely different.

We refer to this as hypocrisy. We need to understand, however, that our culture has worked on this long enough it is now accepted and normal.

Hypocrisy tends to destroy every opportunity to influence others.

The core of our leadership needs to be characterized by integrity, justice, and truth.

These three characteristics highlight a leader worthy of God’s trust and the trust of those who follow. The result points to powerful influence.

Cultural Leadership

Certainly, culture has an influence on leadership and leadership has an influence on culture.

From a spiritual point of view, leaders cannot allow the culture to dictate the direction of God’s people, but leaders must shape the culture.

How can leaders shape the culture today?

Leaders must understand culture.
Leaders must recognize needs within culture.
Leaders must provide an example for cultural context.
Leaders must lead into a different culture.

Just a step in the right direction will help shape the changes needed in culture to direct a greater focus toward Jesus.


When we consider what’s on the line as it relates to leadership, we begin to understand the urgency.

Throughout the Old and New Testaments we find God’s provisions for leaders. He positioned individuals to lead.

God designed His church to function with leaders. Their function is outlined in the letter to Ephesus (Ep. 4:11-13).

People need someone to follow. Christians should provide an example of leading in the family, workplace, and community.

The breakdown of the family indicates an urgency for husbands, wives, and parents to keep a more biblical focus.

May God bless us with the courage and boldness to fulfill our responsibilities.

Born or Made?

Whether leaders are born or made continues to occupy discussions on several levels. On one hand, some circles claim leaders are born with natural abilities, a giftedness of talent from God. Romans 12:8 seems to support this idea.

On the other hand, several claim that leaders are made. A number of authors indicate that leadership can be learned. The thought is based on the development of certain leadership skills over time.

Regardless of which direction we support, we all influence others and lead at some level. It serves us well to develop our abilities, great or small, in ways that provide the best leadership possible.


The concept and practice of seeking the best in other people and putting their needs above our own is rare.

Marvin J. Ashton said, “Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.”

We do well to follow this example in our relationships with others.

Consider the responsibility. God entrusted us with the lives of people, and nothing more fulfilling can be done than to make their lives better than we found them. This is great leadership!