Tag: God

Preparing for Tomorrow, Today

There are no guarantees tomorrow will come.

We understand this thought, but what we do today will make a difference if tomorrow’s sun rises.

So, what are we doing to make preparation?

1) Seek God’s guidance with the right priorities.
2) Pursue what is important, not always urgent.
3) Never miss an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
4) Do something nice for someone who will never find out.
5) Be the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

If we would follow these each day, regardless of what may or may not come tomorrow, we will have a full life.

Reaching the Unlikely

Studying God’s word can produce challenging thoughts that should be reflected in how we live out what we believe and see taught in it.

If we know that God has chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith and the receptivity is higher, then why are we not making greater efforts to lead those who are the most unlikely to the Lord?

Do we exert our efforts to teach those who seemingly feel as if they do not need God because of their affluence?

Should we not spend more effort leading those who have little or nothing in this life to a greater understanding of what God has prepared in the next?


God’s people have always been charged with caring for the poor, widows, and orphans. More than 2,000 verses in the Bible touch on this subject, none more powerfully than James, “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

We’ve not done a good job. Somehow, we need to consider how we are going to care for these needs.

We must not excuse ourselves by allowing other organizations to assume this responsibility.

It is time for spiritual leaders to take the lead regarding God’s justice.

Leading With Love

One of the greatest needs in our world and yet so challenging involves love.

God loves us for who we are and where we are, unconditionally. Unconditionally is where the difficulty begins.

Paul told the church in Rome that God “demonstrates His love toward us.” The love God demonstrated in the past benefits us now and there is no assessment of it ever ending.

To lead others to the love of God, we must demonstrate the nature of God’s love to them.

We even love those who are not always easy to love. If God continues to love us in this way, we must do the same toward others.

John…Part 2

John’s writings identify the type of leadership he provided for the church. As I mentioned last week, several of these qualities provide an example for us today.

Fellowship: John understood the value of fellowship among Christians and with the Lord. He urged Christians to walk in fellowship with God and each other.

Vision: John knew the future of the church depended on men who were willing to work in the fields of harvest. He also knew such men needed support.

Servant: John’s writings about Jesus as a servant were followed by his own example to the church. Reading through his letters shows the qualities of a servant leader.

John…Part 1

The apostle John provides great lessons in leadership.

John is commonly known as the apostle of love. His writings emphasize love, both a brotherly love and the self-sacrificing love of God.

Bold: John’s writings were also bold. To claim we know God and not keep His commandments makes us a liar (1 Jn. 2:4). To say we love God and hate our brother makes us a liar (1 Jn. 4:20).

John loved his brethren enough to help them see the need for a right relationship with God and one another.

Our leadership should exemplify the same.


Take a moment in a crowded place and watch people walk. Some walk slower or faster than others and most carry something.

Where are they walking? What do they think about as they walk?

Figuratively, walking is a way of life that characterizes the whole of leadership. Leadership is not about a one time event or activity. It must be a way of life demonstrated in our conduct, lived in a way that influences the direction of others.

When someone tells us to go for a walk, perhaps we need to consider changing our conduct of life to lead as God wants us to lead.

Hard Questions

Answering questions can be challenging. Some questions make us very uncomfortable, at least they do me.

How will we answer for our leadership? To whom will we answer?

Are we leading others to a better life in relationship to God?

Do our words and actions provide a leadership of hope?

Will others view our leadership as serving others or serving ourselves?

Why are we leading?

Leadership is not intended to be disheartening or discouraging. We are challenged to lead in the greatest arena, with the greatest motive, for the greatest cause.

Where will we lead?

Paul…Part 3

Three more qualities stand out as it relates to Paul’s leadership.

Confident: Paul’s confidence was not based on who he was, but Jesus and what Christ had done for Him.

Disciplined: Paul spoke about discipline to ensure the message of the gospel aligned perfectly with the example of his life.

Faithful: Christ considered Paul faithful. Although his past was an example of blasphemy, persecution, and violence toward the church, the Lord saw something greater.

Paul exemplifies many qualities needed for leadership. If we emulate them, God will use us in powerful ways to make a difference.


Our ambition must have a spiritual focus, pleasing the Lord!

When our leadership is about pleasing the Lord it changes our approach to every area of life.

Relationships within our families are shaped by Biblical principles.

Our conduct on the job is influenced by a God-fearing attitude.

Approaching people outside of Christ is filled with a greater level of patience and compassion.

Beyond everything else, we worship with a greater understanding of our sovereign God.

When our leadership is driven by this kind of ambition the church will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior.