Tag: God

Passion to Think Bigger

What could happen if leaders knew how to think big.

Nelson Mandela said, “There is no passion to be found playing small — in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

Settling for less than what we are capable of limits what God is capable of doing through us…if we only let Him.

We often believe God will not do something because we are convinced we cannot do it.

There must be a passion that is driven by and for greatness, a greatness that is only measured by the power of God to work in amazing and powerful ways.

Leading Opportunities

Opportunities are circumstances providing possibility, either to be gained or lost.

If we cannot see the possibilities, we will never take advantage of the opportunities.

We cannot sit back and wait for opportunities. If we do, chances are we will accomplish little, if anything.

We must open our eyes to the needs of all people, more specifically, those who are not like us.

We must also be ready to get involved, meaning there will be a need to get our hands dirty.

We must rely on God to open the doors and use us to His glory.

Seize the opportunities by seeing the incredible possibilities.

Leadership Scars

Most people have scars. They are the result of surgery, an accident, or some foolish activity.

Scars can also be emotional, mental, and spiritual, often left for the same reasons.

What do scars leave behind?

They leave us with a reminder of what caused it.

Scars remind us of pain involved.
Scars show us the incredible wisdom and power of God.
Scars serve as a reminder to be cautious about creating future scars.

The greatest reminder of scars is found in the hands and feet of our Savior. The example that left Him with these scars should always be a reminder of what our leadership is all about.

Actions and Motives

Leaders give of their time and ability to help others. It demands their attention and willingness to see others reach their greatest potential. Whatever it takes becomes the mindset of spiritual leaders who sacrifice their own will for the will of God.

The idea of selflessness is so interrelated it becomes difficult to distinguish. However, the difference is seen in the action of one and the motivation in the other. Effective leadership will make sacrifices, but the reason they make them is the selfless heart of God’s servant.

These two concepts speak for themselves, but the related ideas help all of us lead with the right actions and motives.


A key practice of spiritual leaders is prayer, which is significant for a couple of reasons.

First, leaders understand the need to communicate with the One who is in control of all things. To have an audience with God yields the greatest power in every situation.

Second, understanding how communication works with God also helps leaders understand the need for effective communication with others.

Communication is a noteworthy subject in every relationship. While it applies to leaders, it also applies to everyone.

When leaders are effective communicators issues are resolved more quickly and progress results.

Unscriptural or Uncomfortable?

There is a difference in something being uncomfortable versus unscriptural.

The challenge is recognizing the difference, but how?

Know the book. When knowledge of God’s word is weak, leaders will struggle to know if something is biblical or not.

Seek wisdom through prayer. Prayer is one of the most powerful tools and often neglected. God says ask for wisdom and it will be given.

Ask the right questions.
What does the Bible say about this matter? Is this practice tradition? Should it continue? How will it affect the church?

Be patient. No decision should be made in one meeting. Give it time, but be careful not to procrastinate.

A Spiritual Leader

How should we define spiritual leadership? Realizing there are numerous possibilities, perhaps the best approach is to consider a biblical response.

Here are 10 scriptural ways to help define spiritual leaders. Spiritual leaders…

1) Move people to be more like God.
2) Rely on the blood of Christ.
3) Work to accomplish the will of God.
4) Encourage the fainthearted.
5) Admonish the unruly.
6) Strengthen the weak.
7) Seek first the kingdom of God.
8) Pray without ceasing.
9) Search the scriptures daily.
10) Trust fully in the working of God.

These are 10 suggestions and require a lifetime to develop in leadership.

Developing Leaders

Confidence. Courage. Compassion. Integrity. Each of these qualities are a vital part of developing the type of leaders needed today.

Douglass MacArthur said, “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.”

If leaders today will demonstrate the type of qualities identified and the integrity to stand behind those qualities, their leadership will always stand strong and point others to the God who brought them to this position.

Lead With A Map

Where are we going? Do we know? What will we need to get there? How will we know when we arrive?

When traveling, we need a map––at least a plan––to reach our destination in a proper amount of time.

Physically, we make application of this daily. The spiritual approach is no different. We know the destination and we desire to get there. We are anticipating the arrival, but do we know what we need to get there?

Since our destination is heaven, the map––plan––God has provided is laid out in the pages of His word.

Measuring Our Leadership

“As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.” Andrew Carnegie

One truth about leadership is “everyone is watching.” Children watch. Our spouse watches. Believe it or not, coworkers watch. Neighbors, friends, extended family, the world, they all watch.

Yes, they listen to what we say, but they watch what we do and then measure. How does our leadership measure up?

If God were to take a measurement of how we lead His people today, how would we measure up?

While it is true others watch us, remember God also watches. Will we measure up?