Tag: God

I Surrender All

Paul told Christians in Romans 12 to present their bodies a living and holy sacrifice.

The idea is based on an Old Testament reference to sacrifices. When God’s people brought their sacrifice, it was presented as an offering to the Lord, which meant they surrendered all rights of ownership and any plans for future use.

When leaders understand this concept their perspective changes concerning how they lead God’s people.

If we could grasp the significance of this one practice, the culture of the church would change and our influence in the world would be immeasurable.

May we all present ourselves to the Lord!

Letting God Down

Few people think about what happens when they let someone down.

Sadly, our desire to not let someone down leads us to try and please everyone. Even though we know it is impossible, we still try.

Have we ever considered how our decisions, words, or actions let God down? Spiritual leadership carries some of the greatest responsibility on earth and we never want to let those we lead down. Above all, we never want to let our God down.

If we focus on Him and pursue His will, we may let someone down, but our relationship with God remain secure.


Children have a vivid imagination. They possess the ability to take a stick and a handful of rocks and become the greatest baseball player of all time.

As we age, however, our imaginations seem to lose that luster. We fail to allow our imaginations to take us to another level of thinking. We get blinded to how things have always been and often refuse to consider how things can be.

The worst part is that opportunities may only come once and if we do not use a little imagination and get outside the box, we may lose the opportunity God provides for growth beyond our imagination. Read Ephesians 3:20.

Dream Big

How often do we strive to achieve great things, but are unwilling to do what is necessary to make those dreams come true? I am uncertain who said it, but the thought is great, “You can’t have a Million Dollar DREAM with a minimum wage work ethic.”

We think too small. Before we make excuses, shackle ourselves with our inabilities, or blame someone or something else for our small thinking, we need to remember the God we serve.

God planned to give Israel the land, but it did not eliminate the need for them to fight the battles. It will not be any different today. So, Dream Big!


A common phrase to encourage perseverance is “hold on.” Holding on a few more minutes can make the difference in securing hope, gaining a measure of strength, finding the answer, or reaching the goal.

When we consider giving up, the question becomes, “hold on to what?” Success seems elusive and passion has dwindled to little more than an ember. What can we hold on to?

Reflect on the past.
The past holds a key to how we move forward.
Remember we are not alone. Avoid the Elijah syndrome. God is there.
Realize faith in the vision. Without vision, there is no direction.

Preoccupied Leaders

Leaders must be preoccupied with a path that leads to godliness, see through the eyes of mission, possess a heart of compassion, and minister with the legs and feet of a servant.

Leaders must be preoccupied with the Gospel, understanding the urgency of reaching each soul, leaving no stone unturned or challenge unmet, and overcoming every obstacle because the salvation of others takes precedent.

While preoccupation is a two-way street, and can easily lead to a negative side, the point for leaders is to be preoccupied in the right and positive ways to change people’s lives eternally.

What If?

Life is filled with many “if’s.” We struggle to answer the “what if” questions in life.

What if we lose our job?
What if we suffer a terminal illness or tragedy?
What if we miss an opportunity?
What if we fail?
What if we forget an important date or task?
What if we have not done enough?
What if…

When this happens, we often turn to a works oriented, Pharisaical based relationship with God.

We lose sight of God’s grace and the joy of His salvation.

Leadership doesn’t mean we escape the “if’s” in life. Rather, we know where to point others for the right coverage provided by God for every “if” in life.

The Loneliness of Leading

One of the most frightening places to be is alone. The thought of dealing with stress, challenges, and trials alone is less than appealing.

Elijah stood on Mount Carmel in the power and glory of God, yet in the next chapter flees in fear at the threat of a wicked queen. While talking to God, he expresses the depression of being alone. Elijah needed to know God was there all along.

With the pressures in leadership, the weight of family responsibility (physical and spiritual), and the struggles that challenge our faith, we can begin to feel alone.

We need a gentle reminder, “You are not in this alone.”

A Contrast in Leadership

Throughout the Bible we find numerous contrasts made by various people.

Jesus talked about the contrast of light and darkness, building on sand or the rock, dividing the saved from the lost.

James talked about the rich and poor, wisdom from above with earthly, natural, and demonic wisdom.

Paul also contrasted the flesh and spirit, the strong from the weak, along with life and death.

These are only a few of the contrasts seen throughout the New Testament.

Our leadership needs to be strikingly different from everything else. When the Word is our foundation, Jesus our Lord, God our Father, and heaven our focus, then our leadership will be strikingly different.

A Godly Leader’s Vision

Observation is more than a mental exercise or practice. How we see others as we walk through our day makes a huge difference in our influence in their lives.

The challenge is to avoid being cynical and negative. National and international news events tend to feed cynicism and negativity.

We must learn to see the world as God sees it. We need to see the battered, bruised, and hurting souls all around.

Instead of seeing color, language barriers, ethnicity, social position, or philosophical differences, our shift in thinking needs to focus on the love and compassion of an Almighty Creator who desires all to be saved.