Tag: God

Lead Like Jesus, Part 2

To lead like Jesus is to love God and others with all of our being. Jesus did not love God or others when it was convenient or suited His personal desires.

In modern terminology, Jesus was “all in.” Nothing stood between Him and serving His Father in ways that demonstrated loyalty and faithfulness.

Jesus was also completely focused on both the physical and spiritual needs of others.

We can learn much in striving to fulfill this one thought, “If you want to lead, lead like Jesus.”

If we truly desire to lead, we need to give more thought to how we lead.

What Identifies Your Leadership?

How do we determine our identity?

There is a difference between the way we judge ourselves and the way others judge us. We judge ourselves by our intentions, but others judge us by our actions.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “Action will delineate and define you.”

Our identity is not so much based on our actions, but the actions of someone else. The actions of Jesus delineate and define us. Because of His actions we learn who we are and what we do.

Thankfully, God’s wisdom preordained an avenue by which we find our identity as His children.

Missional Leaders

Being prepared is foundational to influence. When challenged or questioned, we must be ready.

Peter reminds Christians to always be ready (1 Pe. 3:15). Ask yourself, “Am I ready?

Preparation is connected to a few key principles.

1. Understand the urgency of the situation. Preparation can make the difference.
2. Recognize that answers are found in the Bible. God provided a tool to prepare us. Know it!
3. Ask others for assistance. The wisdom of others can improve who we are and what we do.

Are you ready? A few simple steps will help you get there.

A Conveying Leader

Conveyance involves the action of making an idea, feeling, or impression known or understandable to someone.

The bottom line is communication. Leaders must be good communicators. They know the vision, mission, and values that drive the organization.

When the story of God’s mission unfolds in the life of Jesus, the heart of His vision, mission, and values conveys hope with eternal ramifications.

It changed the lives of 3,000 people on the day of Pentecost.
Numerous disciples / apostles suffered and died to see others obey it.
The message has the same power to save two thousand years later.

Let us lead with conveyance.

Leadership and Character

I have often discussed the necessity of character when talking about leadership. The primarily quality of a leader’s character is trust.

Leaders must certainly be worthy of the trust placed in them by those who follow.

I appreciate Rory Vaden’s thought, “In easy times, personality is revealed. In hard times, your character is revealed.”

The last year delivered some pretty hard times for leaders in the church. Now, more than ever, the church needs leaders who have the kind of character that is worthy of trust.

Can God trust us to lead in this way?

Timely Advice

Measure twice, cut once.

The lesson behind this advice extends beyond the field of carpentry and medicine. In fact, the application is fitting for most areas of life, especially leadership.

Leadership credibility increases when decisions are based on additional information gained or counsel received indicating the time taken to measure twice.

How different will outcomes be if we take time to investigate before making decisions that compromise our relationship with God and His people?

Measuring twice makes it possible to insure accuracy before making decisions that carry great consequential impact.

Our leadership rests in the balance of this advice.

The Power of Memory

Memory is one of the most powerful qualities of the brain as designed by God.

Memory also opens the portholes of our minds to reminisce about the events and decisions of life.

Leaders who are able to reminisce about past events that build upon achievement, victories over trials or failures, and the strength of morale will motivate others to find something deep inside that drives who they are and where they want to go.

The power of reminiscing makes the difference between being consumed with regret over past mistakes and the elation of knowing something better is ahead.

Fire-Lighting Leadership

Who are the fire-lighters in your life? We all have them and we need those who are able to say or do that one thing that excites the passion within us to act and achieve.

Leaders also need to light the fire in others. Whose fire are you lighting?

Your words and actions have the power to create motivation in the lives of others. The result changes the world.

When you extend a helping hand, speak an encouraging word, or give the most valuable gift, you make an eternal difference.

Be the leader God called you to be in this world.

A Uniting Leader

The uniting agent that makes us one deserves more attention than usually given.

Our common purpose is summed up in Jesus. His blood covers our sins, makes us one, and points us in the same direction.

Consider the implications connected to sacrifice.

First, work harder and more patiently to help others reach their potential.
Second, always speak well of people publicly and address major concerns with them in private.
Third, remember this is not about us, but helping others.
Fourth, our pride is not worth dividing God’s people.

We have a common purpose and the value of maintaining unity is worth the effort.

Simple Leadership

Simplicity can be explained by the following: 1) understanding, 2) clarity, 3) definable, 4) plain, and 5) natural.

The opposite of simplicity is complex and tends to leave people in a fog. When leadership is complex, people deal with confusion or convolution.

The challenge is learning how to bring simplicity to leadership?

Identify the main thing (priority) and keep it the main thing.
Narrow the focus to one primary task.
Simplify and clarify terminology.

A few simple ideas will benefit and strengthen our leadership in ways that will simplify what we strive to achieve to the glory of God.