Tag: God

Blessed Leadership

The idea of blessed is key throughout the Psalms. 

Psalm 1 begins with it and the thoughts expressed have great significance when applied to leadership.

First, leaders must be careful where they go and who they listen to regarding their responsibility.

Second, the heart and success of leadership are the result of following the path provided by God.

Third, the contrast indicates there are consequences when one fails to follow the righteous way.

Leaders have an opportunity to lead others on the right path. The responsibility is great, but the rewards of a fruitful life and eternal prosperity are worth the price.

Leading with Renewal…

Various phrases within the Psalms provide depth in their meaning for the life of leaders.

David seeks God’s forgiveness for his sin and pleads with God to create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit.

During difficult seasons, where and how do leaders receive this renewal?

1) Going to the source of renewal is a good place to start. Plead with God.
2) Spend time listening to what God says. 
3) Reflect on what has been done by God through our leadership.
4) Seek counsel with others who have experienced similar trials.

May God always renew a steadfast spirit in the times when needed most.

Unlimited Leadership…

The power of the mind is amazing. However, a Chinese proverb says, “Limitations are but the boundaries we place in our minds.”

The Old Testament account of the ten spies demonstrates this limitation. How they saw themselves kept them from seeing how God would lead them to victory.

Denis Waitley said, “It’s not who you are that holds you back. It’s who you think you’re not.”

Leaders are held back, not because they lack ability, but they see themselves as incapable of accomplishing the task.

We must recognize who God is and all He will do through the power that works within us.

Thirsting for God…

A thought expressed throughout the Psalms is thirsting for God. One of the most common analogies is the song, “As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants for You, O God.”

The various qualities, principles, axioms, and requirements for good leadership all carry a significant weight in leadership development.

In the spiritual arena, the key to true leadership is based on thirsting for God.

The idea of thirsting involves a need, want, craving, an insatiable desire. Do we understand this thought when considering a spiritual application?

When a relationship with God is characterized by thirsting, leaders strengthen their leadership.

Grateful Leaders…

Two of the most unused, yet needed and powerful words, are “thank you,” but why should leaders be thankful.

Leaders should express gratitude because…

1) God placed them in this position to glorify Him.
2) The opportunity to influence others for Jesus is the greatest work on earth.
3) Hope is the message provided through godly leaders.
4) Others trust leaders to show them the way.
5) Leadership makes a difference on an eternal scale. 

Leaders must recognize why they should be thankful as much as the action of showing gratitude.

Our God is great who has given us leaders!

Committed to Lead…

David expresses the need to be silent before God and praise Him. He then says, “And to You the vow will be performed.”

A vow indicates one who enters an agreement, which they are committed to fulfill. 

Performed indicates that when the vow is paid it completes the agreement so that both parties are in a state of peace (Theological Wordbook of the OT).

A leaders first responsibility is to God first and then to those they lead. They must be committed to fulfill the responsibility to which they have entered as leaders.

When they do, both parties enjoy a state of peace.

A Leader’s Strength and Portion…

The psalmist tells us that God is his strength and portion forever. 

The word translated portion is often translated as “reward.” 

Realizing that God is our strength gives us confidence, but knowing He is our reward gives us hope. One powerful component to great leadership is the ability to instill hope in others.

The world is filled with so many challenges, discouragements, and disappointments. 

When leadership inspires hope, no matter how high the mountain, how low the valley, or the size of the obstacle, we can endure and overcome.

Let us lead with an understanding of the strength and portion God is to His faithful followers.

Truthful Leadership…

The opposite of truthfulness leads in one direction, deception.

Leaders are challenged to be honest enough with themselves to make the kind of decisions that demonstrate integrity.

Truthfulness will not allow us to be self-centered. As leaders, we can fall prey to justifying our actions and convincing ourselves something is true, when in reality it is false. This happens when we neglect to recognize our inward focus.

Leaders must be careful not to allow good intentions to vindicate pretentious actions.

Be truthful with self, others, and God in all areas.

Leadership Opportunities…

Opportunities are circumstances providing possibility, either to be gained or lost.

It’s a matter of faith. If we cannot see the possibilities, we will never take advantage of the opportunities.

But, how will these opportunities reach their greatest potential?

1) We must open our eyes to the physical and spiritual needs of all people.
2) We must be ready to get involved, meaning we need to get our hands dirty.
3) We must rely completely on God to open the doors and use us to His glory.

Leaders must seize opportunities with faith in the incredible possibilities God provides.

Passion for Thinking Big…

Imagine what would happen if leaders thought big. The passion that drives greatness can be nothing short of global.

Nelson Mandela once said, “There is no passion to be found playing small––in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

Far too often, we place limitations on what God can do through us, because we have settled for less than our capabilities.

Avoid the “grasshopper syndrome” demonstrated by the spies in Numbers 13:33. The way they saw themselves directly influenced the way others saw them. Think about it! 

Leaders must not fall prey to this limited, small-thinking mindset. Think Big!