Tag: God

Attentive Listening…

David often pleaded with God to listen to him. He desired an audience with God and wanted Him to listen intently and take action.

Communicating with God is significant to leaders for a couple of reasons.

First, leaders understand the need to communicate with the One who is in control of all things. To have an audience with God yields the greatest power in every situation. 

Second, leaders must understand the need for effective communication with others. Followers want to know their voice is heard, that leaders are attentive and will take action. 

When leaders communicate effectively, issues are resolved more quickly and progress results.

Scars to Remember…

Most people have scars, maybe the result of surgery, an accident, or some foolish activity. At times we have emotional, mental, and spiritual scars left for the same reasons.

What do scars leave behind?

First, they remind us of what created the scar.
Second, scars remind us of physical, emotional or spiritual pain.
Third, scars show the incredible wisdom and power of God.
Fourth, scars remind us to be cautious about developing future scars.

However, the greatest reminder for leaders involves those left in the hands and feet of our Savior. These scars should always remind us of what our leadership is all about.

Primal Leadership…

Primal comes from a Latin word meaning “first.” The idea relates to beginnings, first things, primary, essential, and foundational elements of all that is connected to life.

For leaders, it is essential to understand the primary / first elements that must be in place in order to achieve success.

These building blocks for spiritual leaders include integrity, honesty, strong work ethic, passion, confidence in God, discipline, and balance.

Additional elements may exist, but these are the “primal” ones of leadership.

When leaders build on this foundation, their strength of character provides hope for everyone who follows.

Actions and Motives…

Leaders give of their time and ability. They possess a willingness to help others reach their greatest potential for God and His church.

Leaders are also selfless. While the ideas are interrelated and it can become difficult to distinguish them, the difference is the action of one and the motivation in the other. 

Effective leadership makes the sacrifice, but the reason they make it is the selfless heart of God’s servant.

William Barclay once said, “Always give without remembering; always receive without forgetting.”

The thought speaks to actions and motives. It should motivate us to lead this way.

Leading with Hope and Help…

The despair in our world over COVID19 makes for an interesting read from David. Consider the application for leadership today: “Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.”

Two thoughts:

1) Hope is only found in God. When hope is misplaced, the result is despair, disappointment, and discouragement.

2) Help comes from God’s presence. We find comfort and confidence in knowing God is ever-present. He knows and cares.

Leaders need to communicate a hope that is found in God and take comfort in the help of His presence.

Leading with Confidence…

David wrote, “The Lord is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread?” And Paul asked, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” 

When we understand this truth it changes the direction of our leadership.

Leaders need the type of confidence that is built upon a relationship with God. David and Paul understood there was no need to fear anyone or anything. 

Leaders should always know and be aware of their greatest Ally––God. 

When this relationship exists there is no need to fear, because God is with us and He is for us.

Security in Leadership…

Security highlights several important factors that have a significant role in leadership.

When leaders provide a direction that does not give way, followers feel secure.
When leaders keep followers safe and unharmed, they feel secure.
When leaders protect followers from an enemy’s attack, they feel secure.
When leaders eliminate anxiety and fear, followers feel secure. 

For leaders to accomplish this type of security, they need to…

1) Be strong in faith.
2) Grow in knowledge of the word.
3) Trust in God.
4) Remember there is strength in numbers.
5) Lead with confidence.

Leadership on the Battlefield…

“Leaders aren’t built in a classroom––they are built on the battlefield of the mission.” Mac Lake

This is one of the best and most profound thoughts in the book. Don’t misunderstand the point, we can all learn a great deal in the classroom, whether through reading or the instruction provided by experienced leaders.

However, on the battlefield of the mission is where leaders “cut their teeth.” Here, they develop the skills and experience that develops them into the leaders God wants and desires. While these are hard lessons to learn, they have a strong and lasting impact. As we will see, these lessons are not learned alone.

Leadership on the Battlefield…

“Leaders aren’t built in a classroom––they are built on the battlefield of the mission.” Mac Lake

This is one of the best and most profound thoughts in the book. Don’t misunderstand the point, we can all learn a great deal in the classroom, whether through reading or the instruction provided by experienced leaders.

However, on the battlefield of the mission is where leaders “cut their teeth.” Here, they develop the skills and experience that develops them into the leaders God wants and desires. While these are hard lessons to learn, they have a strong and lasting impact. As we will see, these lessons are not learned alone.

A Refuge for Leaders…

God is our strength and refuge. As such, He is an ever present help when we face trouble.

When the trouble is one of loss: a friend, family member, position, possession, or health, God is our help, but where does this help come from?

From His word. Throughout scripture we find strength, comfort and guidance.
Through prayer. Scripture instructs us to cast all our cares upon Him, because He cares.
From others. One of the best ways leadership is demonstrated is helping those in need.

We receive a great peace from God when we apply these areas during times of trouble.