Tag: God

Now What?

Now that the festivities of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s are behind us, we consider “Now What?”

For some, it is back to the norm. Back to the grind. For others, it is time to focus on the vision. Fulfill our goals.

No matter which side we find ourselves, leadership demands we grow. We continue to work on ourselves, improve our ability to connect with others, and influence the lives of each person God beautiful orchestrates into our lives.

As a reminder, 2020 is the perfect year to focus on where we are headed and who we plan to become. 

Make this the best year EVER.

Happy New Year

From all of us at SALT


May this be the best year of your life in relationship to God
and your service within the Kingdom.

Role of the Shepherd…#8

The final statement is perhaps the most beautiful part of this prayer. Jesus says, “I have given them the glory that you gave me.” 

Ultimately, the role of the shepherd is to give sheep the glory God.

The glory Jesus received from the Father is of epic proportions. The reason he gave it was so that the apostles would be united, one as he was one with the Father.

Shepherds, it is the glory of God given to the sheep that provides a basis for unity, that we might all be one.

What a fitting way to conclude the role of the shepherd from Jesus’ prayer.

Role of the Shepherd…#4

The second statement closely follows yesterday’s thought. Jesus says, “I gave them the words you gave me.” He repeats the idea by saying, “I have given them your word.”

Shepherds are responsible for spiritually feeding the sheep and the spiritual food required for God’s sheep is His word.

In Psalm 23, David relates a similar thought, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” Shepherds know where to lead sheep that they might eat what is best for them. 

Today, the idea rests upon providing the spiritual food that strengthens and sustains the sheep. Know the word of God and use its nutrition to help the sheep grow.

Role of the Shepherd…#3

The first statement Jesus makes is emphasized twice in John 17. He says, “I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world.” Although slightly different, Jesus goes on to later say, “I have made you known to them.”

The thought expressed is significant. Shepherds are responsible for revealing or making God known to those who follow.

God has given a flock and He wants His shepherds to make Him known to the sheep. Jesus did this for the disciples, living how to do the same today. Read through the gospels and highlight His example.

Improving our Leadership…

Drastic changes have occurred in the weather recently. While meteorologists may not always get the forecast right, as technology improves so does the accuracy of their predictions.

The same is true in leadership. There are tools available that improve our ability to lead.

Are we learning to use these tools correctly? 
How are we using them to improve our leadership?
Do we make excuses because we lack the desire to use them?

One day we will give an account for all that God has entrusted to us. We cannot excuse ourselves by thinking we did not want to learn how to use the tools He provided.

The Design of Leadership…

What is our leadership designed to do? 

We long to remain safe. We avoid challenges, controversies, and confrontations. However, remaining safe is not what leadership is designed to do. 

We are designed to lead. We often learn about those who are qualified, but unwilling to step up and take responsibility. Why? Because they feel safe where they are.

The Lord’s church needs those who will step up regardless of the challenge, controversy or confrontation.

We must not keep our ship safely in the harbor. This is not what we were designed to do. Rise up and lead!

Our God has called us to the greatest task on earth.

Enduring Leadership…

For leaders, endurance is difficult. To endure means to bear up under the load. It is more than being patient. 

While we need patience, endurance challenges us to hold on and hold on longer than we can imagine.

Consider these thoughts.

If God brings us to it, He will see us through it.

God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to bear (1 Co. 10:13).

No matter how difficult, trials are only temporary.

With some perspective, we can endure knowing our God is in control.

Guarding Against Materialism…

The most prevalent way to meet Satan head on is knowing how he attacks. One specific area he uses to destroy the faith of Christians is materialism. We’ve all seen the affects of materialism in our own lives and in others.

The struggle and desire for “things” is a universal epidemic. Sadly, it creates other sinful attitudes and issues. We can easily develop envy, jealousy, greed, and become idolatrous.

Leaders must rise up and guard the faith of Christians. They must set the example and seek ways to assist others who struggle in this battle. 

Perhaps the first step would be to seek God’s help.

Leading Without Control…

The challenge of faith is believing that God is in control and involved in our lives (looking out for our best interest) when life is not going well.

Publilius Syrus said, “Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.”

This thought is significant when dealing with leadership. 

Disbelief in the vision leads dissenters to gossip, and jealousy surfaces in attempts to discourage and stop progress. 

Storms will blow against our leadership, especially when we lead with a godly, Christlike spirit.

Hold the helm. Remain strong in the faith. Keep our eyes focused on Jesus. Continue to lead.