Tag: God

Heart of a Leader…

The Bible speaks a great deal about the heart. When it comes to leadership, heart is vital to our approach and development.

What benefits accompany a leader with heart?

With heart leaders dream of the future and what can be accomplished.
With heart leaders hold true to the integrity of their relationship with God and others.
With heart leaders invest in the lives of others to help them reach their potential.
With heart leaders plan with diligence and confidence.
With heart leaders step out with trust in God’s guidance and providential working to achieve His purpose and will.

Let us lead with heart!

The Grand Scheme…

Consider the “grand scheme” of things and our role as a leader in that scheme.

God’s mission is providentially guided throughout the history of Israel down to the coming, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. 

The power of this mission/scheme is God’s continued involvement in our lives today.

If not careful we get distracted and even drawn away by the trivial areas of life, resulting in distorted priorities.

We need to pray that God will open doors. We also need to pray for the wisdom to see those opportunities and for the courage to pursue what God places before us in His grand scheme.

Leading To Calmer Waters…

No one likes the storms of life. However, there are no exemptions.

Because leaders must face and navigate these rough times, what is needed to help still the waters?

Know we are not alone. Others have faced rough waters before. Learn from and encourage one another when these challenges are encountered.

Reflect on the previous victories. Rough waters help us grow stronger in our relationship with God and others. Each victory strengthens that growth.

Remember to keep the proper priorities. The danger is to drift back to old habits, associations, and involvement in activities that weaken our leadership.

Rely on the navigational instrument God provides where we find the courage to face challenges and steer to calmer waters.

A Leader’s Temperament…

Temperament involves a person’s nature as it permanently affects their behavior. What kind of nature is permanently affecting our behavior? 

There is an obvious connection to the emotional drive in our lives. This emotional drive could be related to anger or patience, an attitude of discontent or one of contentment, etc.

With both Christian and nonChristian watching every move, it seems significant to consider why we must work to develop the kind of temperament that ensures a behavior of excellence. 

Jesus identified His disciples as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We use our words and actions to provide an example of temperament controlled by God.

Why Leaders Learn…

We can learn from the mistakes and successes of others. We can learn from people with academic credentials and those who only have experience.

Learning is not the issue. We learn something everyday from someone. We cannot help it or resist it. Everything connected to our senses creates a learning situation.

However, what we learn is what makes the difference.

From a spiritual perspective, are we learning more about God and each other as Christians? 

Learning what matters spiritually provides a foundation for lasting leadership. When we consider the importance of learning, remember it is what we learn that is most important.

Renewed Leaders…

Retreats provide opportunity for renewal, and it is an amazing  time to share progress, discuss problems, and plan for the future. 

Retreats bring people closer together as brothers and sisters, as well as, fellow workers participating in the greatest work on earth.

This is a great take away lesson for leaders.

The day to day grind of work, shuffling one stack of papers to the next, struggling to resolve problems, and an incredible work schedule will deplete leaders.

Spiritually, we must be renewed in our relationship with God. Such renewal keeps us focused, accountable, and strong in providing help to others.

Details Matter…

Details make a difference. 

Spiritual leadership involves a number of significant areas within the church and our world. If not careful, we can easily lose sight of the details only to focus on what we see as a larger, big picture, idea of scripture and the work.

At times it may be a word, phrase, or suggestion, but those details bring a wealth of blessing to our leadership. We will also find it provides a great blessing to those who follow.

While we pour ourselves into our study of scripture, let us take time to observe and pay attention to the details God intends for us to learn.

Dependence on God…

On the heels of July 4th, here are a couple of thoughts.

Our world continually fights for independence. 

On an international level, countries strive to achieve their freedom. They want to stand on their own, make their own way, establish their own direction.

On a professional level, the business world demonstrates similar areas as individuals and companies work for financial liberty.

On a personal level, if not careful, we train our children to do the same. We urge them to grow up and learn how to make it on their own.

From a spiritual perspective, we need to teach a greater dependence on God and let Him take care of the rest.

A Leadership Question…

If God required the genuine conversion of 1,000 souls to Christ before you and I could enter heaven, what would we do?

I know the Lord does not require it, but if so, would we not stop everything and start diligently trying to share the gospel with others?

Why do we procrastinate and think we have plenty of time when the Lord could come now, or those we need to reach might die?

What will it take for me to realize the urgency of eternity? When will I recognize the reality of hell?

Life is too short to focus on the here and now. Lead people to the hereafter! Think Souls!

Source of Leadership…

Think about the value of a source.

Finding a source for pure water can mean life to a community. Acquiring a source for financial stability secures the future.

We would also agree that a source for salvation changes the eternal destiny of the world. 

Thankfully, God has provided a plan through which Jesus became the source of eternal salvation to all those who obey Him.

As leaders, are we a source through which people obtain God’s grace?

Are we a source for others to grow spiritually?

Let us pray that more see the need to stand in the fight against the spiritual forces of darkness and be a source of light.