Tag: God

A Leadership Question…

If God required the genuine conversion of 1,000 souls to Christ before you and I could enter heaven, what would we do?

I know the Lord does not require it, but if so, would we not stop everything and start diligently trying to share the gospel with others?

Why do we procrastinate and think we have plenty of time when the Lord could come now, or those we need to reach might die?

What will it take for me to realize the urgency of eternity? When will I recognize the reality of hell?

Life is too short to focus on the here and now. Lead people to the hereafter! Think Souls!

Source of Leadership…

Think about the value of a source.

Finding a source for pure water can mean life to a community. Acquiring a source for financial stability secures the future.

We would also agree that a source for salvation changes the eternal destiny of the world. 

Thankfully, God has provided a plan through which Jesus became the source of eternal salvation to all those who obey Him.

As leaders, are we a source through which people obtain God’s grace?

Are we a source for others to grow spiritually?

Let us pray that more see the need to stand in the fight against the spiritual forces of darkness and be a source of light.

Leading In Tragedy…

The recent tragedy in Virginia Beach is one of many situations where innocent people lost their lives to the rage of someone who placed no value on human life.

During these times, how can we lead, provide answers, or give solace?

Often times, there is comfort in silence, a gentle hug, and prayer. 

How God works to heal and comfort the hurting is often a mystery. For many, a hug and prayer make the difference. For others, nothing seems to help.

We may not find all the answers we seek, but knowing God is there and that He works in every situation provides hope beyond the present.

Let us lead with God’s compassionate love to comfort others in time of tragedy.

The Greatest Choice…

Most choices in life have little or no affect on others, but a few choices consequentially do. Where we live, who we marry, children, and raising children are a few examples.

The greatest choice, however, is connected to our relationship with God. In order to take a step in the right direction as leaders, we need to make choices that will help others find the path to eternal life. 

We share good news for overcoming the past. We give confidence for today. We provide hope for a better tomorrow. 

People seek someone to lead them in the right direction. Let us step up to the challenge and lead for the cause of our Lord.

Privileged Leadership…

We are all aware of the challenges of racism and the problems resulting from such. Apart from the fact it is Biblically wrong and sinful, there are a number of elements that make it socially wrong also. 

However, true privilege today is spiritually twofold. 

The first is the privilege God has given us to be His children, regardless of race.

Second, we find privilege in the opportunity given to lead, again, regardless of race.

While many think there is privilege related to the color of one’s skin, let us focus on the responsibility we have because of the true spiritual privilege given each of us.

Stress and Leadership…

What creates stress in our lives and why does it seem to increase? Three major contributors are age, education and finances. 

It is amazing how these are connected to who we are, which is directly related to what we do, what others say about us, and what we have.

Only when we recognize who we really are can we overcome this misconception. Leadership must help remove this struggle with stress. 

We all face success and failure. Others speak well of us and against us. We also deal with times when we have and do not have things. 

Whatever happens, we must remember we are the beloved of God.

Leading to a Promised Land…

We’ve heard about the land God promises His people. In the Old Testament it was a “land flowing with milk and honey.”

Today, we live with anticipation of a land God has promised, a land beyond anything we can comprehend. This land will be one of rest where there will be no sickness or death.

Two great truths: 

One, we live in a world enslaved to sin. They need someone to lead them to a better land.

Two, God’s people need leaders who will help them keep their focus on this promised land. 

The world and the church need leaders who can see the promised land and are willing to lead others there.

Greatness in Service…

Leaders face many challenges. One of the greatest is learning that we are all leaders. With this in mind, how should we lead?

Dale Archer said, “When you’re always trying to conform to the norm, you lose your uniqueness, which can be the foundation for your greatness.”

We lead because people need hope. We lead because salvation is at stake. We lead because God needs leaders. We lead because it makes a difference.

Since this is true, let us not conform to how the world sees leadership. Let us rise up and establish a foundation of greatness, leading as the servants God has called us to be in His kingdom.