Tag: God

Leading with Love

The character of love, as defined by God, is a love that is unmerited, steadfast, suffering, and knows no bounds. It should move us to consider that there is nothing we can do to make God love us more, and nothing we can do to make Him love us less. His very essence is love.

Love is always divinely defined by what is done for others, in this case, you and me.

In a marketing environment that is based on self-interest and one that puts a price on everything (and everyone), cultivating love will require a devotion of our time in building relationships.

This is the essence of leadership.


Opportunity has been defined as circumstances presenting possibility, either to be gained or lost.

Nicholas Sparks once said, “It’s the possibility that keeps me going, not the guarantee.”

When we look at our neighbors, what possibilities come to mind?

When we look at the city where we live, can we see evangelistic possibilities?

When we look at our state or nation, what possibilities fill our vision?

When we look at the world, what possibility keeps us going?

Leadership will not succeed if we only look for guarantees. The possibilities of what God can and will do through us must keep us going.

Visionary Leadership

A visionary leads with the future in mind. From a spiritual perspective, nothing is more important than what the eternal future holds for Christians.

More pragmatically, leaders must consider what the future of their leadership looks like.

Will the future hold growth and development for the church?

Will the future be a place where vision points to a stronger leadership?

Will the future exist because of our visionary ability?

The future of leadership must be built on prayer, and leaders should prepare for the future with God’s word as a guide.

Tomorrow’s leaders must be encouraged today in order to be ready.

Serving Others

Lewis Carroll claims that “one of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.”

The approach to life in determining what is in the best interest of someone else must drive our leadership.

Biblically, this idea becomes a common thread throughout many of the individual books written to God’s people.

The mind of Christ involves a humble spirit that seeks to do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but one that regards others as more important than self (Phil. 2:3-5).

This is the heart of leadership. May we always strive to serve.


Leaders focus on growth and advancement. They look to grow personally, strive to help others reach their greatest potential, and help advance the cause for which they lead.

Leaders look for new and refined ideas that promote opportunity, innovation, and creativity. The abilities that exist among followers is amazing, and leaders need to seek ways to involve everyone in using their gifts for God’s kingdom.

Leaders recognize the ever changing world surrounding them. The development of God’s kingdom is not about changing the message, but the methods need to allow for ideas that reach out to this ever changing world.

Learning Leaders

Everything that is learned about leadership simply indicates that there is always more to learn. It is amazing to consider the amount of information readily accessible.

Where do leaders turn?

First, turn to God. The best leadership book available is the Bible.

Second, turn to other godly leaders. Seek their help and learn from their wisdom.

Third, turn inward for reflection. Many answers can be found by reflecting on how God has worked throughout the journey to bring us where we are as leaders.

This does not exhaust the possibilities, but it does provide a few steps in benefiting from each learning moment.


Pressure carries multiple meanings: 1) continuous physical force exerted on or against an object, 2) the use of persuasion, influence, or intimidation, and 3) an attempt to persuade or coerce someone.

There is no doubt leadership comes with a strong element of pressure.

While we need to prepare the next generation, we may find that we can learn from them.

Learn to relieve pressure through activity.

Create expectations that are achievable.

Break the big chunks into smaller ones and focus on one at a time.

Never forget that trials in life serve to perfect us into the people God wants and needs.


We must prepare the next generation with the determination to deal with many challenges.

True leadership learns how to deal with those challenges in the most godly, Christ-like manner possible and equip others to lead in the same way. A few suggestions to consider include the following.

Rely upon God for guidance in approaching any challenge.

Develop a strong determination to lead no matter how difficult the road.

Seek help from seasoned leaders who have faced difficulties.

Above all, understand they are only temporary.

God provides hope for better days ahead. Let us lead with strong determination and help the next generation to lead equally so.


Nothing is more foundational. We must pray for guidance and ask God to help us equip next generation leaders.

Read the accounts in the Old Testament where Joshua and Israel marched into Canaan. Every time they did not seek prior counsel with God, consequences were incurred.

If we feel we can rely on the past, some form of “wingin’ it,” or a laissez faire approach in our efforts, we are already defeated.

Think seriously about the nature of the situation and start praying now about how we can take the next step to achieve our God-given purpose.

Possibility Leadership

Read each question below with emphasis.

What can we do? What can we do? What can we do? What can we do?

Anthony Robbins said, “What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.”

With God, all things are possible. The difficulty for most leaders involves knowing what they believe about themselves, then recognizing that, with God, we can do all things.

We must not only believe it, but live as though we believe it and infectiously influence the lives of others to believe it also.