Tag: Harry Truman

Courageous Leaders

How will our influence be remembered in the church and community where we live and serve?

Will we be remembered because of the change we made for the better?

Will our leadership have an impact for the eternal good of others?

Harry Truman once said, ”Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”

If it seems as though the world stands still around us, then maybe it is time we stood up to lead. Seize the opportunity to change things for the better.

A Leader’s Influence

Does leadership influence culture, or does culture influence leadership? There is a great deal of controversy over the answer.

There are times when it seems the culture influences leadership. At other times, leadership influences culture, as with Harry Truman during World War II.

Amazingly, the definition of leadership often changes in relationship to the culture and the current leadership.

While we may never have a definitive answer, one thought is clear: God intends spiritual leaders to influence the culture and not the reverse.

The task before us is to be the influence in our world. We must arise and accept the challenge with courage and boldness.