Tag: Healing

Compassionate Leaders…

Compassion means “to suffer together,” and no one understood this better than Jesus.

The University of California, Berkley claims that something special exists when compassion characterizes a leader: a feeling of sympathy aroused by another’s suffering and the motivation to relieve the suffering.

The guiding hand of compassion considers the suffering of someone else and acts accordingly.

The compassion of Jesus was represented in several ways. He prayed for them, healed them, fed them, and taught them.

Leaders who follow these guidelines lay a foundation that lasts into eternity.

A Healing Leader…

A thought expressed by a good friend is worth sharing. 

“I find a leadership lesson in the experience of helping the church heal. Leaders cannot allow themselves to see people as groups, as factions; we must see them individually. As leaders, we may preach to a congregation, but we teach one soul at a time. For, we never know which one might become the next leader.” Paul Myers

Read the last line again and let it sink in for a moment. We may proclaim the word of God to multitudes, but leadership is developed through transforming one soul at a time. 

Who might be the next leader where you serve?

Leading In Tragedy…

The recent tragedy in Virginia Beach is one of many situations where innocent people lost their lives to the rage of someone who placed no value on human life.

During these times, how can we lead, provide answers, or give solace?

Often times, there is comfort in silence, a gentle hug, and prayer. 

How God works to heal and comfort the hurting is often a mystery. For many, a hug and prayer make the difference. For others, nothing seems to help.

We may not find all the answers we seek, but knowing God is there and that He works in every situation provides hope beyond the present.

Let us lead with God’s compassionate love to comfort others in time of tragedy.