Tag: Identity

What Identifies Your Leadership?

How do we determine our identity?

There is a difference between the way we judge ourselves and the way others judge us. We judge ourselves by our intentions, but others judge us by our actions.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “Action will delineate and define you.”

Our identity is not so much based on our actions, but the actions of someone else. The actions of Jesus delineate and define us. Because of His actions we learn who we are and what we do.

Thankfully, God’s wisdom preordained an avenue by which we find our identity as His children.

Leadership Identity…

Identity is important, but there are several questions to consider related to this concept.

How would we identify what we do? Our activities indicate a significant role. If our focus is spiritual, then our role has a heavenly identification.

How would we identify who we are affiliated with? If we belong to Christ, then our character will reflect a Christlike spirit.

How would we identify the reason we are here? The activities we carry out should clearly identify the reason we are here?

A few simple questions can help us consider the value of identifying what, who, and how when it comes to our leadership.