Tag: Indecision

Decisive Leadership

When leaders are indecisive their leadership is called into question by followers.

Leaders need to know the causes of indecisiveness to overcome the challenges it brings.

Fear of making the wrong decision, the unknown, failure, and even success.

Lacking trust in one’s abilities or that of others are often uncertain in making decisions.

Procrastination leads to indecisiveness because making a decision lacks urgency.

What will help leaders be decisive?

Research and gather all the facts to make an informed decision.

List the pros and cons and pray about it.

Trust the instincts.

Establish a backup plan as a precaution.

Make the decision.


We make thousands of decisions every day. Generally, the majority of decisions have little or no consequential value. However, some decisions carry long-lasting, if not eternal, consequences.

Theodore Roosevelt said, “In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

When the moment of decision arises, leaders must do the right thing, primarily what is right for the other person.

Regardless of the reason, to do nothing in leadership paralyzes everyone. Closely associated with this problem is the unnecessary delay in the decision.