Tag: Influence

What Shall I Do?

Nearly 2,000 years ago this question was asked by a governor with the power to deliver or destroy. Sadly, the influence of the Jews and fear of allowing a threat to Rome go free, Pilate sentenced Jesus to crucifixion.

Our answer becomes a foundation for our influence in several areas of life.

Family: Let us lead our family to heaven.
Job: Work to please Christ, not men.
Worship: Meet with God and bring a gift.
World: Be the influence our world needs.

What will we do? Our answer makes the difference in others seeing the influence of Jesus.

Difficult to Lead

Why do more not lead? One of the top reasons involves the difficultly.

We have all heard, “If it were easy everyone would do it.” Well, it is not easy. At the same time, everyone is doing it. We all influence others. Maybe we should ask ourselves, “How do we influence them?”

For good or evil?
To build on the rock or sand?
To walk in the light or darkness?
To be a sheep or a goat?
To live for Christ or against Him?

It is one tough job, but it is worth the effort.


What do we believe and why do we believe it?

Amazingly, and more to the point, when we believe something, we talk about it to others. We express why our belief is so strong. When we do not believe there seems to be no purpose.

Paul told the church at Corinth, “I believe therefore I speak.”

We have opportunity to influence people everyday. It is fundamental to leadership. Do we talk about what we believe? Do we speak about the overwhelming nature of what we believe and why we believe it?

Communication allows us to share a belief system based on the evidence of truth. Make it count!


Keeping up with the movement of time gets more and more challenging.

The clock is ticking.

The bottom line is we all have the same amount time moving at the same speed. We were born into the realm of time and it just keeps ticking.

Spiritual leadership, however, should focus attention on the realm with no time, where the clock never ticks.

We cannot comprehend with our finite minds the eternal realm. It is impossible! By faith we know it exists and at some point the realm of time will end.

We must be ready and we need to influence others to be ready also.

Seat Belt Leadership

Seat belts are designed to protect drivers and passengers in the event of accidents. The purpose of a seat belt raises an important thought for leaders.

Spiritual leaders are to provide protection in the event of temptation, trial, struggle, and weakness. Our influence should create confidence in our ability to provide safety. What does this mean? Think about the similarities:

1) We must be there when the need exists.
2) We must connect with people to be useful.
3) We must protect without being uncomfortable.
4) We must signal when someone is unprotected.


What will remain in the shadow of our leadership 20, 30, 40, or 50 years from now? Is our legacy as a leader intentional? Will our leadership be a shield to protect and provide for others? What legacy will we leave?

A legacy of money will eventually be spent.
A legacy of possessions will quickly fade.
A legacy of service will soon be forgotten.
A legacy of security will be destroyed.

Only a spiritual legacy influences this present life and the life to come.

A Righteous Leader’s Prayer

Prayer can be an overlooked subject. The application to how we draw closer to God, grow spiritually, or endure trials is often to pray more.

What is prayer? How should we pray? Why do we pray? Does prayer really influence God?

Think about how James teaches the necessity of prayer in leadership.

Three keys to spiritual leadership rise to the top.

1) Elders are identified as righteous men who are to pray.
2) The working prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.
3) Turning sinners from their error will save them.

Leading people to salvation must be at the heart of a righteous leaders’ prayer.

Stand Out

Following the crowd, latest fad or trend are familiar ideas.

What is our leadership all about? Do we seek to fit in with what appears to be the latest and greatest?

When we lift up the Light of the world, we should stand out in a world of darkness.

Why is it important when it seems easier to follow the crowd?

Following the majority can have great consequences. Jesus teaches this principle in the Sermon on the Mount.

Our path is a matter of choice. The choices we make influence others. If it helps others get to heaven, then standing out in or from the crowd is worth it.


Spiritual leadership has its challenges. However, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. Consider four lessons behind the mountain top leadership experience of Elijah.

1) Elijah was God’s man. As such, he spoke for God.

2) Elijah was unrelenting when it came to making a choice. Neutrality was not an option.

3) Elijah knew his God, which translated into reliance and confidence.

4) Elijah understood the need to eradicate the influence of evil.

These lessons stand as an example of the mountain top leadership needed today as we strive to honor God and change the world with the power of His word.

Power of Leadership

Consider the power of leadership to alter eternity. The influence of godly leaders makes a difference in the eternal destination of everyone around them.

The driving motivation behind leadership directly relates to the lives changed. When we think about it more closely, the moment someone’s life is changed by our influence, we cannot help but experience change in our own life.

If we truly believe that eternity matters that much, then let us exercise the type of diligence necessary to influence every soul we meet. We might just alter eternity, theirs and ours.