Tag: Innovation


Leaders focus on growth and advancement. They look to grow personally, strive to help others reach their greatest potential, and help advance the cause for which they lead.

Leaders look for new and refined ideas that promote opportunity, innovation, and creativity. The abilities that exist among followers is amazing, and leaders need to seek ways to involve everyone in using their gifts for God’s kingdom.

Leaders recognize the ever changing world surrounding them. The development of God’s kingdom is not about changing the message, but the methods need to allow for ideas that reach out to this ever changing world.


What’s missing in your leadership might range from the most simple of ideas to the most complex of leadership teams.

The value of exploring what might be missing for leaders demonstrates the kind of humility great leaders need in their leadership.

When humility is part of the equation, along with an openness to the possibilities, then followers will step up.

A sense of creativity, innovation, and motivation will exist to provide a stronger morale in achieving short and long term goals.

We cannot underestimate the power of humility seen in God’s leaders.

Innovative Leaders

Creative development sets leaders apart from the “way we’ve always done it” approach.

Inventive leaders strive to use original thinking to establish plans that achieve goals.

Pioneering leaders live to go “where no one has gone before.”

Combined, these ideas comprise the innovative spirit needed in leadership.

Spend time with innovative people.
Evaluate the principles that drive innovation.
Work in a team. Creativity thrives in a group.
Do not be afraid to take a few risks with something new.

Leaders need to bring an innovative spirit to the table and use a creative, inventive, and pioneering mindset to assist development.

What’s Missing in Leadership?

Mike Maddock, a writer for Forbes online, claims, “Great leaders are open to the fact (and it is a fact) that they are missing something.”

What is missing can range from the most simple of ideas to the most complex of leadership teams.

Let’s start with humility, the kind of humility great leaders need in their leadership.

When humility is part of the equation of leadership, along with an openness to the possibilities, then people follow.

A sense of creativity, innovation, and motivation will provide a stronger morale in achieving short and long-term goals.

We cannot underestimate the power of humility in leadership.