Tag: Investment


An opportunity involves circumstances presenting possibility, either to be gained or lost. We cannot take advantage of opportunities if we are unable to see the possibilities.

In part, leadership is about seeing the possibilities and taking advantage of the opportunities the moment they arise.

Few people would turn down the opportunity to double an investment in a short period of time. When the stakes are guaranteed we know the need to act quickly.

The same is true spiritually. Consider: 1) Do we really see the possibilities of reaching out to souls around us? 2) Do we take advantage of the opportunities God presents?

Investing in Leadership

How are you investing in the future of leadership?

We should think about the daily approach to leadership on several levels. What stands out as necessary for leaders to consider as a daily investment?

Look at the goal…
Share the plan…
Help someone…
Read, grow, learn personally…
Take a few minutes for yourself…
Listen closely…

We may even practice a few of these on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. Never let a day go by without making these a part of your life in some way as a spiritual leader.

It is an investment with imperishable returns.

Worth the Investment…

When someone has “skin in the game,” their approach to every situation, project, plan, or goal changes.

Commitment increases when a leader is invested, because failing to accomplish the goal costs them something.

David understood this thought in 2 Samuel 24:24. He dared not offer a sacrifice to God that did not cost him something.

With skin in the game, we attract followers willing to do the same.

Leaders find it a little more difficult to just simply walk away from their charge when invested. 

Leadership costs us something, but what we must recognize is that with God, it is worth the investment.

Leaders Develop Leaders…

Mac Lake’s book, The Multiplication Effect, has great material related to leadership. Over the next few days, we will consider a few thoughts from the book to encourage us in this needed role.

“Programs don’t develop leaders. Leaders develop leaders.” We tend to think the latest and greatest program on leadership will provide exactly what is needed to develop the next generation of leaders.

However, looking more deeply, we discover it begins with leaders investing time into the lives of others. The heart of leadership development involves this investment. If we make the commitment today, leaders will be the outcome tomorrow.