Tag: John

Suffering and Glory

We know Jesus suffered while on earth: the persecution He endured, despising the shame, and the ultimate sacrifice at the cross.

John describes the glory of Jesus in the Revelation, and of all the terms that could have been used––sovereign Lord, Prince of peace, Mighty God, Creator, or Christ––John chose “Lamb.” Why use Lamb? Because He was the sacrifice made for the world. Suffering cannot be separated from the glory.

Paul reminds us that the sufferings of this present life are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed to us, but suffering comes first.

John…Part 1

The apostle John provides great lessons in leadership.

John is commonly known as the apostle of love. His writings emphasize love, both a brotherly love and the self-sacrificing love of God.

Bold: John’s writings were also bold. To claim we know God and not keep His commandments makes us a liar (1 Jn. 2:4). To say we love God and hate our brother makes us a liar (1 Jn. 4:20).

John loved his brethren enough to help them see the need for a right relationship with God and one another.

Our leadership should exemplify the same.

What Do Leaders Seek?

The Gospels reveal the idea of seeking on several occasions.

In Matthew, Jesus emphasized the need to seek first the kingdom of God.

In Mark, religious leaders sought for a sign from Jesus, but their motives were impure.

In Luke, we find areas that involve what we seek, either materially or spiritually.

John also indicates that Jesus was motivated to seek.

Jesus clearly sought to do the will of the Father, to glorify Him. As spiritual leaders, what will we seek to do or accomplish with our leadership?

We have been entrusted with a great responsibility and opportunity. What we seek makes all the difference in the lives we touch.