Tag: Joshua


Nothing is more foundational. We must pray for guidance and ask God to help us equip next generation leaders.

Read the accounts in the Old Testament where Joshua and Israel marched into Canaan. Every time they did not seek prior counsel with God, consequences were incurred.

If we feel we can rely on the past, some form of “wingin’ it,” or a laissez faire approach in our efforts, we are already defeated.

Think seriously about the nature of the situation and start praying now about how we can take the next step to achieve our God-given purpose.

Leadership Character

What image describes good leadership? Based on many leadership discussions, the canvas would be filled with images of character, service, compassion, vision, and more.

The image of character is a wonderful place to begin.

Character is a choice made by each individual. Wayne Dyer said, “Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made.” Therefore, when we blend all our choices together, we find a picture of character.

Maybe this explains why Joshua urged Israel to make the choice he made for his family, one of “serving the Lord.” Perhaps, it is the choice we should make also.

Strong and Courageous

God emphasized strength and courage three times in Joshua chapter one, but only once did He use this specific phrase “strong and very courageous.”

The context of this one phrase has powerful implications in the realm of spiritual leadership. God specifies how Joshua’s success depends on following this advice.

Be careful to do
according to all the law.
Do not turn from it to the right or to the left.
This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth.
You shall meditate on it day and night.

What would it be like if spiritual leaders had the strength and courage to do the same today?

Timeless Advice

We all enjoy learning timeless nuggets of advice, those pieces of information unaltered by time, generation, or culture. Often times, we can overlook them for something believed to have greater value.

Joshua was given one of these nuggets, “Be strong and very courageous.” God emphasized strength and courage three times in this context.

As we consider the timeless nature of this advice, there are powerful implications for spiritual leaders. God specifies that Joshua’s success depended on following this advice.

The success of our leadership today depends on following the same. How different would our world be if spiritual leaders had the strength and courage to do so?


Procrastination is one of the most destructive practices for leaders.

Spiritually, there is a tendency to put off obeying the Gospel, sharing Jesus, or developing a plan for personal growth and development.

Will waiting until tomorrow, or until later, make it possible to avoid responsibility?

Scripture emphasizes the present. Joshua said, “Choose this day whom you will serve.” Jesus said, “Seek first His kingdom…do not worry about tomorrow.” Paul said, “Now is the acceptable time, behold, now is the day of salvation.”

These few places express our present time with urgency.

We need to ask, “Why put off until tomorrow, what can be done today?”

Godly Counsel…

We are urged not to walk in the counsel of the wicked in Psalm 1. Later in the Psalms, David expresses the need to wait for the counsel of the Lord, because His counsel endures forever.

Leadership should always provide counsel based on the word of God. When leaders provide godly counsel, several beautiful things occur. 

1) God is glorified.

2) His people are built up in the faith.

3) Leadership is strengthened in righteousness. 

4) The future is secured.

Let leaders learn today from the example of Joshua (Jos. 9), then pursue and provide godly counsel.