Tag: Learning

Wisdom and Courage

Wisdom and courage are both critical to the development of leaders.

Mark Amend increased our understanding when he said, “Wisdom is learning to let go when you want to hang on. Courage is learning to hang on when you want to let go.”

How many projects have we held on to that were destructive, when wisdom said we should have let go long before?

How many times have we let go when the courage to hang on one more day or week would have delivered success?

We need to develop a posture of learning. Wisdom and courage provide great benefit when we learn from them.

Learning Leaders

Everything that is learned about leadership simply indicates that there is always more to learn. It is amazing to consider the amount of information readily accessible.

Where do leaders turn?

First, turn to God. The best leadership book available is the Bible.

Second, turn to other godly leaders. Seek their help and learn from their wisdom.

Third, turn inward for reflection. Many answers can be found by reflecting on how God has worked throughout the journey to bring us where we are as leaders.

This does not exhaust the possibilities, but it does provide a few steps in benefiting from each learning moment.

Patient Leaders

Successful leadership does not consist of leading people the same way, because people are not the same.

Timber Hawkeye says, ”Flowers only bloom when they are ready. People are the same way. You cannot rush or force them open just because you think it’s time. Be patient.”

People learn and advance differently. Some advance quickly, while others learn more slowly. An effort to rush or force them when and where they are not ready only creates frustration for everyone.

While most everyone desires patience… right now, the ability to demonstrate patience in the development of others is a treasured quality for leaders.

Mentoring…part 4

The mentoring relationship is a mutual relationship designed to establish and achieve specific well-defined goals.

These goals are connected to developing the ability to know, think, and perform.

The ultimate purpose and design of mentoring is to create a relationship that nurtures learning.

A number of elements essential for a learning-centered mentoring program include: reciprocity, learning, relationship, partnership, collaboration, mutually defined goals, and development.

The design is to promote stronger relationships that motivate, inspire, and contribute to development and growth.

This relationship is collaborative and channeled to achieve a support system of success. The mutuality in mentoring increases the viability of the desired purpose in the relationship.

Where to Turn

Everything learned about leadership simply indicates there is more to learn. The amount of information readily accessible is overwhelming.

There is no end to the books, articles, blog posts, and classes available on the subject.

Where will leaders find the help to grow in their leadership?

Turn to God. The best leadership book available is the Bible.

Turn to other godly leaders. Seek the help of others and learn at their feet.

Turn inward for reflection. Reflect on how God continues to work throughout the journey.

These do not exhaust the possibilities, but they do provide benefit from each learning moment.

Learning In Community

Few times are more exciting than sitting around a table with others to collaborate ideas. Discussing and planning every area of life serves to improve leadership.

These times provide inspiration by gleaning from the wisdom and experience of those closest to us. Here we find guidance from others who care most for us. They desire to see us succeed.

Spiritually, few opportunities are more important than to examine ways to strengthen the church and lead others to a greater hope.

The change in life that makes the greatest difference in who we are and what we do is born from the benefits of what is learned in community.

A Matter of Learning

We learn by observation, teaching, personal study, and experience.

We learn from teachers with academic credentials and others who simply have experience.

Learning is not the issue. We learn something everyday. We cannot help it and we cannot resist it. Everything we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, smell with our nose, and feel with our hands creates a learning situation.

However, the importance of what we learn really makes the difference.

Learning matters that are spiritual in nature provides a foundation for lasting leadership. When considering the importance of learning, remember it is what we learn that carries the greatest importance.

Multi-Directional Leading

Watching others work together raises a level of excitement that drives leaders.

Sharing in that moment adds to the multiple reasons why we lead. It is also a reminder of why leaders continually work to promote the same every day.

Too often, leading becomes uni-directional. The path of learning or following is limited to listening and doing.

Learning among adults, however, occurs at greater levels when a multi-directional approach is used, allowing each individual to contribute to the learning process.

When done properly, the result is incredible and organizations thrive.

A Leading Question

A leading question is an attempt to get someone else to communicate their understanding of facts, knowledge, or feelings. From a legal perspective, it is often used to get someone to answer a question in a specific way, leading them to often incriminate themselves or someone else.

At times, leaders may need to use both. We use questions for several reasons.

1) When others are encouraged to communicate, they feel appreciated and important.

2) We learn more by listening. We learn about feelings, desires, struggles, joys, and sorrows.

3) We create a powerful learning environment. Leaders will be surprised what they learn when creative minds are unleashed.

Learning to Lead

A learning leader is open to learn from others, listening to what is said and how it is said. They constantly seek ways to improve who they are, what they are, and how they lead others.

When leaders are open to learn, opportunities abound for obtaining wisdom from others who have a depth of knowledge and experience that exceeds our own.

When leaders approach each situation with a learner’s heart, they demonstrate humility that understands the necessity of being a servant.

No leader will ever know everything, but when leaders are willing to learn they find greater influence.