Tag: Lethargy


Initials are used everywhere. One of the most familiar is PC. Interestingly, these initials represent several ideas from “politically correct” to “personal computer.”

Organizations are often identified by initials: CIA, FBI, UPS, USPS, and many more.

Positions within most organizations support the use of initials: CEO, CFO, EVP, VP and list goes on.

The texting world also works on the basis of initials: ROFL, LOL, Np, Ty, Yw and, again, the list is unending.

I like a modified take on this one: ROFL – Resist Obstacles Facilitating Lethargy. Leaders cannot afford to become lethargic. A sluggish and apathetic mindset will hinder growth.

Indifference and Lethargy

We live in a world too often characterized by indifference and lethargy.

Leaders must find ways to prevent and overcome these characteristics in the church.

What does this really mean? It means we must…

1) Increase the desire of God’s people to be together.
2) Fan the flame of enthusiasm for sharing the gospel.
3) Energize the creativity of brothers and sisters in Christ.
5) Strengthen the hands of God’s faithful.
6) Lift up the hearts that are weak and struggling.

When leaders see the opportunity and do something about it, preparing to make the needed improvements, persevering through the challenges, we overcome indifference and lethargy.