Tag: Life

The Right Time for Leading…

When it comes to addressing a delicate situation, timing is everything.

When faced with life changing decisions, timing is everything.

When waiting for answers to test results, timing is everything.

When confronting a family member, coworker, or friend, timing is everything.

God said, “There is an appointed time for everything, and there is a time for every event under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:2-8).

If we can step back and think for a moment and ask ourselves, “Is this the right time to continue in this direction?” then maybe we can handle whatever life throws our way at the right time.

Life, the Great Teacher…

Life is an amazing teacher. Sadly, these lessons tend to be the hardest and most life changing. An old Cherokee saying claims, “Everything in life comes to you as a teacher. Pay attention. Learn quickly.”

Do we pay attention and learn from what life teaches?

If we only had a method to help us remember from the mistakes so we do not repeat them and use the success we experience to duplicate it. 

Every event, every person, and every second of every day is a classroom that teaches and prepares us for greater leadership. Our job is to pay attention and learn quickly.

The better student we are the more success we experience as leaders.

Cost of Leadership…

What does it cost to get an education? What does it cost to raise a family? What does it cost to enjoy freedom? 

What does it cost to be a leader? The answer will vary depending on the individual and type of leadership required. 

Consider the cost of spiritual leadership.

Regarding Jesus, it involved His life. We can safely say the same will be required of us. Although it may not involve a physical death, we should be ready and willing if it did.

Perhaps the most significant cost is that of being a servant. The cost involves putting others above ourselves. For that we must die to self.

Life Worth Leading…

“No one ever finds life worth living—he has to make it worth living.” Unknown

Value in life is really based on what we consider valuable. Leaders cannot make life worth living for themselves or others unless they know what is valuable.

If we place value on what we achieve or obtain in this life, then chances are we will not look back on a life worth living.

However, if we place value on helping make life better for others, seeking the eternal reward of others––starting with our families––then life will be a journey well lived.

Here is where true leadership is found.