Tag: Light

Relational Leadership

The Gospel of Matthew wants us to pay attention and observe. The genealogical record, activity of angels, fulfillment of prophecy, and the involvement of dreams are all significant to the claim of Jesus as the Christ.

Several terms used to describe the work of Jesus as the Christ include: shepherd, ruler, king, light, and healer.

Another is built upon the name, Immanuel––God with us. The true nature of relationships involves being present.

If God left the glory of heaven to be with us––to shepherd, rule, provide light and heal––then we should also recognize that leading others necessitates our being present in all our relationships.

A Fire-Lighter

Who are the fire-lighters in your life? We all have them and we need those who can excite passion within us.

Albert Schweitzer once said, “At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”

As a leader, we need to light the fires of others.

Who knows, but in that moment when we stop to extend a helping hand, speak an encouraging word, or give the most valuable gift––our time, we make an eternal difference.

Igniting Passion to Lead

People around the world follow someone. Generally, they follow the one that influences them most.

If we reject the responsibility to shine the light of Jesus, who will people follow?

It would seem that the only possibility is the ruler of this world, the one who leads them into darkness.

Are we ready to accept the consequences of such a decision?

Leadership is not an easy task. We are often left vulnerable when we open ourselves up in order to reach out to the world. However, the result of leading others to Christ ignites a passion that drives the future of our leadership, and that of others.

Salt and Light

Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth….you are the light of the world.”

Salt and light make a difference when present. The analogy for Christians indicates that our influence should make a difference for good.

Outside of the Gospels, the word salt is used only twice and both times (Col. 4:6; Jas. 3:12) it directly speaks to the influence of our words.

The use of light addresses our conduct (Mt. 5:16). Peter spoke about the type of conduct that contributes to the salvation of others (1 Pe. 2:12).

Let us use our influence (words and conduct) to lead others to Him.

Why Leadership…Part 2

Why do we spend so much time talking about leadership?  

Church: The present situation speaks to the need for leadership. Any discussion about leadership regarding the church acknowledges the urgency of this crisis. However, are we moved enough to do something? If we do not establish a plan now, the future of the church offers little hope.

People: The reality is that people will follow someone or something, but who or what? Doesn’t it make sense that we focus on leading people out of darkness into His marvelous light? The church was established to be an instrument of truth and light. Let us lead as such.

Making a Difference

Jesus taught about the powerful nature of influence, identifying His disciples as the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.”

Jesus indicates we are to make a difference.

He uses an interesting term, “If the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything…”

This word involves health, specifically good health.

When used in the context of the analogy and leadership influence, we find a powerful idea.

As leaders in the kingdom of God, our influence should be that which contributes to the spiritual health and well-being of others.

The Light of Leadership

Jesus claimed to be the “Light of the world.” He further told His disciples, “You are the light of the world…,” concluding the thought by saying, “Let your light shine…”

There can be no doubt that Jesus planned for His followers to reflect His character, virtue, and example in a world that does not welcome the light and often attempts to extinguish it.

Katelyn Irons challenged us with this thought, “Shine with all you have. When someone tries to blow you out, just take their oxygen and burn brighter.”

For leaders, it’s about leading out of being. The light is who we are, not just what we do.

One Second Changes Everything

The value of time is measured differently by each individual, but we tend to focus on what needs to be done next week, next month, and next year.

Life is filled with many activities. As a result, time flies and we wake up one day wondering where the time went.

If light can travel 372,564.8 miles in two seconds, imagine how we can change the world with a few simple ideas.

A smile can warm the heart of one who is struggling.
Consider the power of a hug at just the right moment.
A kind word can encourage success when failure looms.

Influence…Part 1

Jesus described His disciples as salt and light. These terms identify influence in the realm to which they are applied. Thus, Christians are to be an influence in the world.

Our influence is determined by words, attitudes, conduct / behavior, and activities.

Christians have been known to get as close to the line of worldliness as possible in order to have this influence. Many have selected close relationships with non-Christians with this in mind. Sadly, the influence is often reversed and Christians can be drawn away from their convictions.

Let us be careful how we influence others.


Light represents far more than “a source of illumination,” especially for spiritual leaders.

We could say that light is simply the absence of darkness: “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.”

Our light needs to shine forth the example of Jesus as it revealed throughout the Gospels.

A good study of light can be found in the Gospel of John. The next time you read through it, highlight the word “light.” Consider how the word is used in context and how it applies to casting a vision built on faith for leaders.