Tag: Lord

A Devoted Leader…

The Greek word translated “devoted” carries the idea of “insisting on staying close to someone or something.”

What does that mean for spiritual leaders? It means they will…

…insist on staying close to people. A leader’s devotion to people means they learn their needs and assist them, especially to heaven.

…insist on staying close to the plan. The plan is the map. Leaders must not deviate from the plan, or the goal is unreachable.

…insist on staying close to the Lord. Leaders know the true source of their strength is not in themselves, but the Lord.

A leader’s devotion provides a foundation to great achievement.

A Leadership Question…

If God required the genuine conversion of 1,000 souls to Christ before you and I could enter heaven, what would we do?

I know the Lord does not require it, but if so, would we not stop everything and start diligently trying to share the gospel with others?

Why do we procrastinate and think we have plenty of time when the Lord could come now, or those we need to reach might die?

What will it take for me to realize the urgency of eternity? When will I recognize the reality of hell?

Life is too short to focus on the here and now. Lead people to the hereafter! Think Souls!