Tag: Loyalty

A Loyal Leader

Loyalty is a vital characteristic in leadership. Leaders must be loyal to those they influence. How can leaders build the kind of loyalty needed to lead?

Demonstrate trust: The trust we have in God must be exemplified in our service. We must also learn to trust in others.

Develop consistency and integrity:
The decisions we make in leadership must be made with a consistent standard of integrity.

Dedicate the heart: Dedication involves the highest level of commitment. We must be dedicated to God, others, and reaching the goal.

These are three of many steps, but if we use them we can build a solid foundation for loyalty.


Faithfulness is rooted in the very character of God. Reliability, steadfastness, constancy, fidelity, dependability, trustworthiness are all words that describe the qualities of God’s faithfulness.

Amidst the increasing instability of our culture we discover several obstacles to faithfulness.

Nurturing the temporal and disposable elements of life challenge lasting faithfulness. Shunning commitments and focusing our loyalty on improper objects become obstacles to our faithfulness as leaders.

However, we cultivate faithfulness when we celebrate God’s abiding presence, lift Him up in worship, keep our promises, and tell the truth.

Kenneson raises several powerful questions and provides suggestions to the other-directed nature of faithfulness on pages 194-195.