Tag: New Testament


What motivates you?

The New Testament provides several counter-cultural examples to help us learn the power of motivation.

The motive for being first or greatest in the kingdom is about being a servant of all.

The motive for receiving is based in presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice to the Lord.

The motive for being blessed is about giving to others rather than receiving.

The motive for not forsaking our assembling together is through exciting others to love and good works.

Do we motivate others toward desired interests? Do we set the example based on what motivates us in the same direction?


When we consider what’s on the line as it relates to leadership, we begin to understand the urgency.

Throughout the Old and New Testaments we find God’s provisions for leaders. He positioned individuals to lead.

God designed His church to function with leaders. Their function is outlined in the letter to Ephesus (Ep. 4:11-13).

People need someone to follow. Christians should provide an example of leading in the family, workplace, and community.

The breakdown of the family indicates an urgency for husbands, wives, and parents to keep a more biblical focus.

May God bless us with the courage and boldness to fulfill our responsibilities.

A Contrast in Leadership

Throughout the Bible we find numerous contrasts made by various people.

Jesus talked about the contrast of light and darkness, building on sand or the rock, dividing the saved from the lost.

James talked about the rich and poor, wisdom from above with earthly, natural, and demonic wisdom.

Paul also contrasted the flesh and spirit, the strong from the weak, along with life and death.

These are only a few of the contrasts seen throughout the New Testament.

Our leadership needs to be strikingly different from everything else. When the Word is our foundation, Jesus our Lord, God our Father, and heaven our focus, then our leadership will be strikingly different.

Inspiring Leadership

Biblically, we know that God inspired the authors of the Old and New Testaments to write with accuracy the words penned throughout each book and letter.

God did not remove the style, history, or culture of each person. He ensured that what was written was accurate and complete.

Although they are not inspired, leaders today should consider how they can inspire others to reach their potential.

Our son, Chase, once said, “You don’t have to be inspired to be inspiring.” With a little effort, each of us can achieve so much for the cause of our Lord and inspire others along the way.

A Legacy to Remember…

My father’s legacy consisted of the following.

For 30+ years he read the New Testament every month and the Old Testament twice each year.

He preached the gospel for over 50 years.

He was married to the same wonderful woman for 60 years, father to 4 children, grandfather to 9 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

He developed a series of lessons to share the gospel in a simplistic way with others.

He lived in and by God’s Word. He knew THE book!

He died with his Bible opened to the passage he was studying for his next sermon. Take a moment to read Philippians 2:16. 

He led untold numbers of people to know Jesus.

These are a few ways his legacy leaves an incredible example to follow.