Tag: Paul Myers

Using Time Wisely

Time is the most valuable commodity available, and our greatest challenge is learning how to use it effectively.

Time management is an area often talked about, but rarely do we find those who have a handle on good time management tools.

A few years ago, Paul Myers shared these timely tips.

Get a real calendar and use it. Establish deadlines and work to meet them.
Finish something everyday.
Do not allow electronics to control the time.
Start early. An extra hour in the morning adds up.

Attitude is the difference maker when managing our time. Paul, thank you for the reminder.

A Healing Leader…

A thought expressed by a good friend is worth sharing. 

“I find a leadership lesson in the experience of helping the church heal. Leaders cannot allow themselves to see people as groups, as factions; we must see them individually. As leaders, we may preach to a congregation, but we teach one soul at a time. For, we never know which one might become the next leader.” Paul Myers

Read the last line again and let it sink in for a moment. We may proclaim the word of God to multitudes, but leadership is developed through transforming one soul at a time. 

Who might be the next leader where you serve?

Destructive Nature of Procrastination…

Perhaps you’ve heard the statement, “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” A dear friend, Paul Myers, shared this thought with me about 10 years ago.

Procrastination can be destructive to leadership. Why?

Because there is no better time than now when it comes to…

Leading others to Christ.
Telling someone you love them.
Helping someone mature spiritually.
Strengthening the weak.
Improving ourselves as leaders.

We must fight the desire to procrastinate and use the present to achieve greatness.