Tag: People-centric


Substance involves a quality of being important, valid, or significant. Simply stated, substance is the stuff that makes up leadership.

What is the substance that makes up the character of our leadership? Integrity? Work ethic? Honesty?

Is there something significant that stands out giving credibility to our leadership substance?

Can others see the substance of our leadership?

The substance of spiritual leadership must not be ego-centric, but people-centric. The quality that validates the importance of leadership is not built upon I, but you. The substance of great leadership uses we.

As important and needed as leadership is today, it is worth our time to focus on the substance.


Our world is geared to satisfy self. A quick Google search or a tour through Amazon’s book selection reveals the magnitude of the problem. Book titles such as, Love Yourself, Celebrate Yourself, Self-Esteem: You’re Better Than You Think, and The Art of Learning to Love Yourself highlight the challenge before us.

Leaders must be people-centric, others-centered, if they desire true fulfillment. Even more interesting is the fact that the entire concept is biblical.

Jesus explicitly identifies the first step to discipleship as one of denying self (Lk. 9:23), and Paul caps off the thought with regarding others as more important than self (Phil. 2:3-4).