Tag: Perfection


One of the greatest forms of hypocrisy occurs when parents tell their children to live a certain way, yet not live by the same standard themselves.

I am not saying you must be perfect, regardless of the standard under consideration. However, there needs to be consistency.

Children already push the limits as close to the line as possible and measure every action by the consistency of parental guidance.

We must develop a consistency in approaching how the standard is lived in the home.

When we fail to live up to the standard: admit it, apologize, and make restitution. Do not excuse it…ever!

Leaders Who Excel…

To excel involves being exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject. Paul encouraged the church at Thessalonica to “excel still more.”

Leaders should always strive to excel, to improve their character and influence.
Leaders need to encourage followers with an appeal to excel still more in their work.
Leaders should remember that striving for excellence does not mean they will be perfect.

We must desire to improve who we are and what we do, no matter how good we are or how well we are able to achieve any task.

We should always seek God’s help to excel.