Tag: Persistent

Constant Leaders

Leaders who are constant display persistence, consistency, faithfulness, and they are unchanging.

When leaders are persistent, they are resolved, driven with purpose. Leaders who are consistent represent stability that is dependable. A faithful leader demonstrates loyalty and devotion. The unchanging character of a leader provides enduring, yet predictable follow through.

Obviously, more could be said about each of these, but the overall focus is defining the constant nature of leadership and how it looks within the perspective of followers.

A Tenacious Leader…

One who stands firmly and possesses the quality of determination is tenacious. When leaders have tenacity in relationship to the truth, spiritual development will result.

Think for a moment about the nature and application.

When talking about how to face challenges, work through personal problems, establish direction, develop plans, achieve goals, and guide through tough decisions, leaders must exemplify tenacity.

The persistent character of tenacity to pursue a solution until it is successful takes time. Leaders who possess tenacity lead with perseverance and lay a foundation for success.

Developing this powerful quality is worth our effort when leading others.