Tag: Pleasure

Moment of Truth

The moment of truth is not measured by what a leader hopes, desires, or thinks might be needed.

The moment of truth is measured by what a leader does, the stand that is taken, and the demonstration of character when it is unpopular with the majority.

The time comes in every person’s life when they must decide how they will act or react to the environment or circumstances before them.

In that moment, the decision they make determines the effectiveness of each leader.

No pleasure, monetary prize, popularity, or status of prestige is worth compromising the truth and the principles of character that stand behind it.

Time to Lead

Our life exists within this span known as time.

Since we have this measure and moment of time, it should concern us to consider how we use our time.

We can use our time for ourselves, selfishly using every minute for pleasure. The book of Ecclesiastes informs us this is vanity.

The alternative is to use our time for others. The greatest fulfillment and satisfaction in life are found when we use our time for others, helping them both physically and spiritually reach their potential. Herein lies the purpose of our life and leadership.

If everyone focused on this, imagine what our world would look like.