Tag: Possibility


An opportunity involves circumstances presenting possibility, either to be gained or lost. We cannot take advantage of opportunities if we are unable to see the possibilities.

In part, leadership is about seeing the possibilities and taking advantage of the opportunities the moment they arise.

Few people would turn down the opportunity to double an investment in a short period of time. When the stakes are guaranteed we know the need to act quickly.

The same is true spiritually. Consider: 1) Do we really see the possibilities of reaching out to souls around us? 2) Do we take advantage of the opportunities God presents?

Possibility Leadership

Read each question below with emphasis.

What can we do? What can we do? What can we do? What can we do?

Anthony Robbins said, “What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.”

With God, all things are possible. The difficulty for most leaders involves knowing what they believe about themselves, then recognizing that, with God, we can do all things.

We must not only believe it, but live as though we believe it and infectiously influence the lives of others to believe it also.

Helping Others

Leadership is about people, and unless we observe how God works in our lives to provide opportunity to lead, we will miss the possibility of God using us to help others.

A Chinese proverb emphasizes: “If you want happiness for an hour––take a nap. If you want happiness for a day––go fishing. If you want happiness for a year––inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime––help someone else.”

Take a few moments each day to simply observe the working of God through the opportunities provided in the lives of the special people placed on our path and help them.


An opportunity involves circumstances presenting possibility, either to be gained or lost. We cannot take advantage of opportunities if we are unable to see the possibilities.

Leadership involves the ability to see the possibilities and take advantage of the opportunities the moment they arise.

Consider two significant questions: 1) Do we really see the possibilities of reaching out to the souls around us? 2) Are we ready to take advantage of the opportunities God presents?

Unless we see the possibilities and are prepared to take advantage of the opportunities the urgency of sharing the message of Jesus fades to indifference.

Seek, Ask, and Knock.

Tools, Ability, Opportunity

Wonderful tools are available that improve our ability to lead. However, there are several questions we need to consider regarding our approach to leading with these possibilities.

Are we using these tools to help us improve our leadership?

How are we using these tools to benefit the lives of those who follow?

Do we make excuses for why we are not using these tools, or working to learn how to use them?

One day we will be held accountable for the tools, ability, and opportunities God has entrusted to us.

We cannot excuse ourselves by saying we did not want to learn how to use them.

Leading Opportunities

Opportunities are circumstances providing possibility, either to be gained or lost.

If we cannot see the possibilities, we will never take advantage of the opportunities.

We cannot sit back and wait for opportunities. If we do, chances are we will accomplish little, if anything.

We must open our eyes to the needs of all people, more specifically, those who are not like us.

We must also be ready to get involved, meaning there will be a need to get our hands dirty.

We must rely on God to open the doors and use us to His glory.

Seize the opportunities by seeing the incredible possibilities.

What Do We See?

How many opportunities were missed because we could not see the possibilities? Do we fail to see the possibilities because we are wearing spiritual blinders?

God told Abraham to lift up his eyes and look in every direction.

Jesus told the apostles to lift up their eyes and look on the fields.

What do we see when we look at our family, friends, coworkers, people in our community, or brothers and sisters next to us in worship?

It is time for us to lift up our eyes and look. The door is open. What will we see when we look through it? What will we do?

Possibilities of Can…

Eliminating the word “can’t” from our vocabulary is vital to the development of strong leadership. Have you ever heard, or perhaps said, “It can’t be done”?

The limitations built around this idea paralyze the growth and development of God’s people, individually and collectively.

Instead of shackling ourselves with these limitations, consider the difference made by realizing what “can” be done. With God, all things are possible.

The way we see our families, the church, the world, and even ourselves takes on a new perspective when we realize we can do it.

Leadership Opportunities…

An opportunity involves circumstances presenting possibility, either to be gained or lost. If we are unable to see the possibilities, we will not take advantage of the opportunity.

Leadership requires us to see the possibilities and take advantage of the opportunities when they arise.

Few people turn down an opportunity to double an investment in a short period of time. We know we have to strike while the iron is hot.

The same is true spiritually. Unless we see the possibilities and take advantage of the opportunities, the urgency of sharing the message of Jesus fades to indifference.

Seek, Ask, and Knock.

What are the Possibilities?

Opportunity has been defined as circumstances presenting possibility. For someone to take advantage of the opportunity, one must see the possibilities. Nicholas Sparks said, “It’s the possibility that keeps me going, not the guarantee.”

When we look at our neighborhood, city, state, nation, or the global community, what possibilities keep us going? Can we see how God is working?

Leadership will not succeed if we only look for guarantees. The possibilities of what God can and will do through us must keep us going.

When leadership is fueled by possibilities, our vision expands toward greater achievement.