Tag: Potential

Leadership Awareness…

Leadership awareness involves a knowledge or perception of the situation or fact.

Self-awareness, i.e. personal strengths and weaknesses, who we are, where we are going, and how we plan to reach the destination.

Others-centered awareness, i.e. the strengths and weaknesses of those who follow, how to help others reach their greatest potential and achieve the goals of the organization.

Environmental awareness, i.e. available resources, obstacles, the reality of progress, and open doors of opportunity.

Spiritual leaders must lead from a dual-world mindset: physical and spiritual.


Goodness is a fruit to be cultivated in the midst of a self-help culture. Three thoughts introduce the idea of goodness.

One, the consistent testimony in scripture that God alone is unequivocally good.

Two, if sin makes us incapable of goodness apart from God, as those created in His image, we possess the potential for goodness.

Three, knowing what counts for good can only be determined under the guidance of God’s Spirit.

We cultivate goodness by naming our sin, attending to God’s word, and imitation.

When leaders are characterized by goodness, self-awareness, upward attention, and outward activity cultivate this fruit.

Catalyst Leadership…

When leaders serve as catalysts amazing developments occur.

In their book, The Starfish and the Spider, Brafman and Beckstrom researched several areas concerning leadership and the qualities of a catalyst. 

Consistent with each was their desire to help others. The examples reflect something of a spiritual catalyst in nature.

Spiritual catalysts provide powerful influence because they desire to help others. 

Catalysts help others see their potential in the Lord’s kingdom.
Catalysts help others implement plans to reach their potential.
Catalysts help others connect with people to assist them in reaching their potential.

The need for catalysts is significant in the development of the Lord’s kingdom.

A Last Chance to Lead…

If this were our last chance, what would we do?

Warning signs may indicate it is the last chance for something significant when considering our leadership.

It may be the last chance to help someone reach their potential and fulfill their personal dreams.

It may be the last chance to prepare those closest to us with a legacy that helps them carry on when we are gone.

It may be the last chance to build a relationship that improves our ability to lead others to success.

No one knows when, but if we treat every opportunity as the last chance, then what we accomplish will make a lasting difference.


The holidays will soon be upon us.

Most men do not connect to the planning that goes into the activities of the day. However, most women know it is all about the planning.

The menu must be just right (although it is generally the same each year), the perfect ingredients purchased, and the timing involved in the cooking process.

Imagine what would happen if we gave the same attention to planning who we are as a leader, the goals we pursue, and preparing others to reach their potential.

Spiritual leadership must be all about the planning.

SALT Fun Fact #4

“The expression ‘salty dog’ comes from the practice of European hunters who rubbed salt on the backs of prized hunting dogs to prevent ticks. It came to refer to anyone who was a friend or favorite person. Real leaders recognize the value of people and they recognize their role in equipping people to reach their full potential.” Wayne Roberts

One of the most significant lessons and needs within leadership involves the ability to recognize the value of others and the responsibility of leaders to equip others to reach their potential in kingdom service.