Tag: Pray


Mentoring usually involves an experienced and trusted advisor who trains and counsels someone else. The mentoring relationship may extend any where from a few days to a few years depending on the nature and purpose of the relationship.

As a spiritual influence in the lives of others, we all want to pursue ways we can mentor someone in developing maturity in their faith.

Our approach should be based on the methods of Jesus.

Take a moment to pray about someone who can be a mentor and pray for someone you can mentor.

Teaching Moments

Thinking about leadership in the home and the influence we have on our children, it seemed fitting to share a few thoughts.

From the time children arise in the morning to the time they lay their heads down to sleep, teaching moments are everywhere.

The air that we breathe, the food we eat, the opportunity to see the sunrise, the ability to move our fingers and toes, witnessing God’s creation come to life, and hundreds more, are all moments to teach our children about the existence of God and His love for us.

As we pray for children, let us also take appropriate action to lead them.

Catch 22 Leadership

Leaders often feel as if they are being shot at from both sides, in front and from behind.

How many times have leaders faced situations that no matter what decision was made they were condemned? We call this Catch 22 Leadership.

Leaders must be decisive, and they will always have to fight the enemy in front of them. However, they should not have to deal with attacks from followers behind them.

Pray with and for your leaders.
Always speak well of leaders to others.
Make it a habit to build them up publicly.
When a problem arises, speak to leaders privately.
Encourage those who are godly to lead.

Pray and Prepare

How can we focus on leadership development?

First, we must pray. Recently, it was suggested that the church spend a Sunday evening in prayer for the leaders of our country. While this is needed, should we not be more concerned with praying about leaders for the church? What will become of the church if we have the leaders we want for our country, but have no leaders in the church?

Second, we must be diligent to prepare others to lead. Consider the fact that we diligently prepare, train, and educate leaders in the corporate setting. Somehow, we have not exercised the same diligence in the church, and we are experiencing the consequences.

A Spiritual Leader

How should we define spiritual leadership? Realizing there are numerous possibilities, perhaps the best approach is to consider a biblical response.

Here are 10 scriptural ways to help define spiritual leaders. Spiritual leaders…

1) Move people to be more like God.
2) Rely on the blood of Christ.
3) Work to accomplish the will of God.
4) Encourage the fainthearted.
5) Admonish the unruly.
6) Strengthen the weak.
7) Seek first the kingdom of God.
8) Pray without ceasing.
9) Search the scriptures daily.
10) Trust fully in the working of God.

These are 10 suggestions and require a lifetime to develop in leadership.

Finding Answers

When I observe my children and grandchildren, I understand the idea of looking for and awaiting answers related to trials experienced in life.

Fear, anxiety, and frustration can take control quickly. How can we eliminate these concerns and find the needed answers during such times?

Where do leaders go to find answers when adversity occurs, questions arise?

Leadership involves providing guidance, direction, encouragement, support, and knowing how to give answers to help others overcome their fears, anxiety and frustration. Where can a leader go to find the answers?

Listen to God’s word.
Seek counsel.
Learn the value of trust.
Admit mistakes.
Never miss the opportunity to grow.


Guidance involves advice, counsel, direction, instruction, suggestions, and leadership.

Before guiding, consider the following.

1) Pray. Sounds easy enough, right? How many times do we stop and pray before we think through, type out, or talk about something?

2) Check the motive. Why do we want to advise someone? If the motive is not out of love and a desire to improve the other person, rethink.

3) Timing is everything. Do we understand the events that surround another person’s actions? Timing makes a difference in how we are received.

4) Encourage by affirmation. Critiquing someone’s decisions is received far better when we begin by affirming previous actions.

Five Minutes A Day

Imagine the difference five minutes a day can make in our leadership.

1) Take one minute to pray about something or someone and notice the change.
2) Before jumping to conclusions, take one minute to think first before reacting.
3) Take one minute to ask for or offer help to someone in need.
4) Spend one minute to write a note of appreciation, make a to-do list, or log daily activities.
5) Practice one minute every day to build up someone’s morale.

Five minutes a day makes a considerable difference for everyone influenced by our leadership.

Mentoring Leaders…

Information about mentoring is unlimited. Several approaches to mentoring indicate a number of options available for consideration.

Mentoring involves an experienced and trusted advisor who trains and counsels someone else. The mentoring relationship may extend any where from a few days to a few years depending on the nature and purpose of the relationship.

As a spiritual influence in the lives of others, we want to mentor others to maturity in their faith.

A great place to start is to pray about someone who can be a mentor and pray for someone you can mentor. Then watch God do the rest.

Testing our Leadership…

Based on experience, most students prefer to skip tests.

However, tests are biblical and spiritual leaders will face them throughout their leadership.

Abraham is an example. God tested Abraham by commanding him to offer his only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering.

The New Testament letter from James speaks about the testing of our faith. The result produces endurance which leads to completeness.

With this in mind, how should leaders respond when tested?

Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance.
Read God’s word and focus on the purpose.
Seek counsel from leaders who have passed tests.
Trust God’s use of tests to make us into His leaders.