Tag: Prepare

Pray and Prepare

How can we focus on leadership development?

First, we must pray. Recently, it was suggested that the church spend a Sunday evening in prayer for the leaders of our country. While this is needed, should we not be more concerned with praying about leaders for the church? What will become of the church if we have the leaders we want for our country, but have no leaders in the church?

Second, we must be diligent to prepare others to lead. Consider the fact that we diligently prepare, train, and educate leaders in the corporate setting. Somehow, we have not exercised the same diligence in the church, and we are experiencing the consequences.

Expecting the Unexpected

Have you ever made plans that excited you? Did you prepare and eagerly anticipate that very moment? Did something unexpected happen, only to prevent you from fulfilling your plans?

How can you deal with these situations?

Expected the unexpected.
Know there will be times when the unexpected happens.

Never go it alone. Seek help from those who have traveled the path before.

Prepare a back up plan for use…always. The key is to “prepare.” Have a plan ready!

Trust in a positive result. When we put it and leave it in God’s hands, the desired intent will come.

A hard lesson, but when learned, rarely will you be surprised.

Define, Destroy, or Strengthen…

The reality of bad things happening is inevitable. No one is immune to the negative, discouraging, or bad that occurs, even if it is a matter of perspective.

However, regardless of one’s perspective, the choice of what is done when these events happen is what makes the difference in life.

While we do not know who said it, the following thought is powerful: “When something bad happens you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.”

When difficulties come, let us always use them to better prepare us to lead.

Changing the Future of Leadership…

Leaders will always face attacks from an enemy in front of them. However, they should not have to deal with attacks from followers behind them.

Herein lies the challenge. These situations cause godly leaders to step down and they often prevent others from stepping up. What can we do to change the direction?

Pray with and for these leaders.
Always speak well of leadership.
Build them up publicly.
When problems arise, speak to them privately.
Encourage others to lead.
Prepare future leaders among the young…now!

Good leadership does not happen by accident. We must work today to change the future.

Finding Answers for Leadership…

Trials are part of life. Fear, anxiety, and frustration take control quickly. People seek answers.

When adversity occurs, or questions arise, where do leaders go to find answers?

Leaders provide guidance, direction, encouragement, support, and answers to help others overcome their fears, anxiety, and frustration. Where do leaders find these answers?

Prayer is a good place to start.
Spend time listening to God’s word. 
Counsel the wisdom of others.
Learn the value of trust.
Admit mistakes that occur.
Never miss an opportunity to learn. 

The more prepared we are for the questions plaguing others, the stronger our leadership becomes.

Leadership Preparation…

Preparation today makes a difference tomorrow.

What are we preparing for today?

1) God’s guidance in seeking the right priorities.
2) Focus on what is important, not urgent.
3) Trust that if tomorrow doesn’t arrive, we accomplished what matters most.
4) Never miss an opportunity to tell someone, “I love you.”
5) Do something nice for someone who will never find out.
6) Be the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
7) Close the day with prayer giving thanks for the good and bad.

These are a few ideas, but regardless of what happens, if we follow them we will live a full life.

Role of the Shepherd…#7

The next thought expressed is one that aligns with the Great Commission. Jesus says, “I have sent them into the world.”

Although not of the world, they were in the world and had a task to complete. 

When “church” is confined to the building, shepherds stop short of understanding the significance of this role. When the sheep assemble together, it is time to encourage, strengthen, build up, and prepare them to be sent into the world.

Shepherds, always remember that the time spent with sheep to equip them to be sent into the world makes the difference in how the sheep survive and return from the battles ahead.

Producing Leaders…

A simple observation indicates that the church is reaping the consequences of little planning over the past 40-50 years for future leaders.

Ralph Nader said, “I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” And John Maxwell said, “If you want to grow, lead followers. If you want to multiply, lead leaders.”

We need to… 

Encourage the young and old to prepare themselves for leadership.

Provide opportunities to learn how to lead.

Mentor leadership within the family and church.

Meeting tomorrow’s needs begins with preparing leaders today.