Tag: Present

Future Leaders

The future of leadership hinges on several factors.

Learn from history. Spiritual leaders are students of God’s word and they apply it.

Be students of the present. We need to observe and learn from current leaders and followers.

Desire to serve others. Leadership must be more concerned with serving than being served.

Glorify God. Leadership should be motivated and driven with this purpose.

Develop a plan. Developing a plan is vital for the right direction. These steps provide a foundation.

We do not know the future, but a few steps will help secure the future of spiritual leaders.


What would you change, if you had a chance to do 2024 over?

Would you change your words? Would you change your attitude? Would you change your actions?

The way we approach this thought plays a significant role in leadership.

Spiritual leaders must learn from the past and make the appropriate changes for the present. Upon making these changes, everyone can move forward.

Never excuse or justify mistakes. Instead, make the necessary changes.

It is not the past we need to change, but the future. Whatever comes to mind, now is the time to consider how change the direction.


To lead is to sacrifice. Sacrifice is found at every level of leadership. When will the sacrifice need to be made? How large of a sacrifice will be necessary?

Perhaps above all, are we willing to make the sacrifice?

If we go below the surface and examine Paul’s leadership, we will find a leader who made great sacrifice. His level of sacrifice is exemplified throughout his writings. He speaks of sacrifices made in the past, present, and future. Whatever it took, he was willing to do.

We could spend weeks considering all the sacrifices required of leaders today. Regardless of what may come to mind, let us arise and make the sacrifices necessary to lead.

God demands it and the church depends on it.


To say we live in a multicultural society is a gross understatement. We cannot think about what we are going to do if it happens.

If we are not knowledgeable about or preparing to address it, we are way behind.

How we can best approach leading within a multicultural context?

1. Stop procrastinating and gain a better understanding of multiculturalism.

2. Get immersed in developing relationships across cultural boundaries.

3. Remember, we are participating in a small part of what God has done and continues to do.

Who knows but we are here for such a time as this. The subject is essential for the present and future understanding of leadership.

The Future of Leadership

What are we doing to address the present condition of leadership? What are we doing about the future of leadership? What are we doing to develop biblical leaders?

Challenges face every move to improve the situation. Efforts to make a difference are viewed with skepticism.

Enthusiasm to learn and implement something new or different is sequestered off in the halls of youth and familiarity.

What are we doing to change eternity if the only thing we do is exactly what we have done for the past 50, 75, or 100 years?

At some point, we need to recognize where we are, where we are going, and what we must do to get there.


Scars come in many forms. We may have physical scars left from an accident or surgery. We may also have emotional scars left from the pain of loss, hurt, or embarrassment.

David Rossi says, “Scars show us where we have been; they do not dictate where we are going.”

Emotional scars have a profound impact on where we are in the present. Pain, hurt, or embarrassment often alter our view of the world around us.

We have a responsibility to ensure a better future for those we lead. God’s family provides a refuge for those who are hurting, and we have an opportunity to change where we are going.

In the Middle

Endurance is never needed when life is good. We need endurance when life does not measure up to our expectations.

During those difficult times, we experience a range of emotions and thoughts. We often consider how to abandon ship. We begin to think that if we could just quit, somehow everything would return to normal or get better. However, you and I both know it does not work that way.

Although the author is unknown, this interesting thought was expressed, “The past is where you learned the lesson. The future is where you apply the lesson. Don’t give up in the middle!”

The point is simple: Endure.

Near and Far Sighted

The eye is an amazing part of the human body, but there is not enough space to cover its complex intricacies.

However, as we age, our arm does not often extend quite far enough to read the print on a page.

Two conditions normally occur: 1) nearsightedness – the ability to see things up close, but not far away, or 2) farsightedness – the ability to see things far away, but not up close.

Spiritually, leaders must avoid both conditions. Leaders need the ability to see needs that exist up close (present), and they must see what will happen far away (future).

Seeing both near and far makes it possible to address current needs and plan for the future.

The Past

We cannot live in the past, nor can we return to change it. If we had a chance to live yesterday over I am sure there are areas we would change.

Yesterday provides a benefit to our leadership in several ways.

1) We can learn from the successes and failures.
2) We can plan a better future based on the history.
3) We can establish measures to prevent duplicating mistakes.
4) We can lead others onto a straighter course.

I know we all strive to survive the present with an anticipation of the future. However, we also need to stop on occasion and benefit from the past.

Powerful Communication

How can leaders ensure their message is understood?

Have a clear understanding of the past, present, and future. How did you get here? Where are you now? What direction are you headed?

Prepare a strong defense as to why you are communicating this specific message at this specific time.

Plan how the destination will be reached and communicate it often to ensure no one forgets.

Implement a confirmation brief, which means you ask others to explain what they heard you say.

It takes time and effective communication to get everyone on the same page.