Tag: Principles


The principles of leadership never change. People, however, learn and advance differently. There are those who pick up on the process quickly, while others learn at a slower pace. An effort to rush or force them into places or positions when and where they are not ready only creates frustration for everyone involved.

While patience is a virtue that most everyone desires to have “right now,” the ability to demonstrate patience in the development of others is a treasured quality of leaders.

The beauty of patience, when demonstrated by leaders, is that followers are encouraged to develop in ways that reach their greatest potential.

Knowing God

Spiritual leadership involves qualities, traits, virtues, and principles that are instrumental in guiding one’s character formation.

The foundation is to know God.

Jesus said eternal life aligns with knowing God and the One sent by Him.

Paul also spoke of the significance of knowing God by claiming his willingness to count everything as loss for the “surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:8).

Heritage, material possessions, academic achievement, and religious position were all worthless in view of this knowledge.

Leadership God’s way is driven by a passion to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.

A Leader Worth Following

As leaders, several questions are important to consider regarding principles.

1) Why should we have principles to govern behavior?
2) What rule or belief governs our personal behavior?
3) Do we have a rule or belief in place for this purpose?
4) Are these rules or beliefs based on humanistic or biblical foundations?
5) Will others see consistency between our principles and behavior?

A life lived by biblical principles will always influence others. Consistently living by our principles directly connects to the integrity needed for powerful leadership.

When leaders answer these questions in relationship to principles and behavior, the steps to harmonize them develops a leader worth following.

What Now?

How did we get here? This is a common question asked when…

…principles have been compromised and the consequences are greater than expected.

…plans are not implemented and the impending results end in failure.

…guidelines are not recognized and chaos emerges.

…tragedy strikes and no steps were taken to prepare for it.

When we find ourselves at a place we did not intend, desire, or plan for, we wonder “how did I get here?”

Knowing how we get where we are is the not the question we should ask.

The question we need to ask and answer is, “What are we going to do now to move forward?”

True Leadership

The study of leadership will always carry powerful principles and a bit of subjectivity when dealing with others. The various styles of leadership continue to find value depending on the setting, situation, individual, and followers.

When looking for a way to determine someone’s leadership ability, J. K. Rowling said it well, “If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

If you want to become the type of leader others want to follow, then begin with an examination of the way others are treated who might be considered inferior. Here is where we see true character.

Patient Leaders…

Successful leadership does not consist of leading people in the same way because people are not the same. Timber Hawkeye resounded this thought, “Flowers only bloom when they are ready. People are the same way.
You cannot rush or force them open just because you think it’s time. Be patient.”

The principles of leadership never change. People, however, learn and advance differently. Some pick up on the process quickly, while others learn at a slower pace.

Any attempt to rush or force people into places or positions when and where they are not ready simply frustrates everyone involved.

Principles for Leadership…

Principles indicate a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning. Think about it as a rule that governs our personal behavior.

As leaders, we need to ask the following.

1) Why have principles to govern behavior?

2) What governs our personal behavior?

3) Are they based on humanistic or biblical foundations?

4) Will others see consistency between our principles and behavior?

When leaders consider the answers to these questions regarding principles and behavior, the steps to harmonize them will develop leadership worth following.

A Leading Parable…

The parables of Jesus often shed light on great leadership principles. One of those is the Parable of the Tares. Here is what we learn…

The enemy is working against spiritual leaders.

Patience is needed, even when evil grows in the midst of good.

Time will reveal the intentions of the heart.

Light always triumphs over darkness.

Take time to read the parable and think about these principles as they apply to leadership. Leaders must learn to approach and handle these areas with faithfulness to God. The result will strengthen their influence and leadership.