Tag: Procrastinate


Leaders are in high demand, from political to spiritual arenas. In time of crisis what should we do? We could…

1) Do nothing.
2) Deny there is a crisis and continue the same course.
3) Ignore the crisis hoping it will take care of itself.
4) Procrastinate and allow the wrong leadership to take control.
5) Address the crisis with a plan of action to change the direction.

Developing a plan of action requires us to account for the following.

1) Acknowledge the problem(s).
2) Examine the severity.
3) Remove the element(s) poisoning it.
4) Develop a support system.
5) Begin a plan to prepare future leaders.

We can change the future, but we must act now!

Deliberate and Intentional

How many times have you procrastinated when making decisions? Your intentions were good because you were waiting for the “right time.”

This can happen when beginning a family, i.e. getting married or having children. We also see it in areas of career choices. I’ve heard, “If you don’t love what you do, then do something else. Life is too short to not enjoy what you do each day.”

Our lives should be deliberate and intentional. Once we choose the area we are most passionate about, then jump in. When we do what we love the most, joy finds a way into our lives.

Destructive Nature of Procrastination…

Perhaps you’ve heard the statement, “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” A dear friend, Paul Myers, shared this thought with me about 10 years ago.

Procrastination can be destructive to leadership. Why?

Because there is no better time than now when it comes to…

Leading others to Christ.
Telling someone you love them.
Helping someone mature spiritually.
Strengthening the weak.
Improving ourselves as leaders.

We must fight the desire to procrastinate and use the present to achieve greatness.

A Leadership Question…

If God required the genuine conversion of 1,000 souls to Christ before you and I could enter heaven, what would we do?

I know the Lord does not require it, but if so, would we not stop everything and start diligently trying to share the gospel with others?

Why do we procrastinate and think we have plenty of time when the Lord could come now, or those we need to reach might die?

What will it take for me to realize the urgency of eternity? When will I recognize the reality of hell?

Life is too short to focus on the here and now. Lead people to the hereafter! Think Souls!