Tag: Procrastination

Decisive Leadership

When leaders are indecisive their leadership is called into question by followers.

Leaders need to know the causes of indecisiveness to overcome the challenges it brings.

Fear of making the wrong decision, the unknown, failure, and even success.

Lacking trust in one’s abilities or that of others are often uncertain in making decisions.

Procrastination leads to indecisiveness because making a decision lacks urgency.

What will help leaders be decisive?

Research and gather all the facts to make an informed decision.

List the pros and cons and pray about it.

Trust the instincts.

Establish a backup plan as a precaution.

Make the decision.

Are You Ready?

Procrastination can be destructive in a leader’s life.

We often convince ourselves we are not quite ready, and so we wait…and wait.

I appreciate a statement from Lemony Snicket, ”If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”

If we decide to wait, what exactly will it take for us to get ready? More money or education? Greater opportunity? Time?

How will we know if we are ready?

There are times when patience is a virtue, times when waiting a little longer is beneficial. However, if we wait until we are ready, we may never be ready.

Risky Leadership

A risk involves the possibility of danger or harm, a person or thing regarded as likely to turn out good or bad within a particular context.

There can be low risk and high risk, but risk is going to be involved in leadership.

The key is learning how not to fear risk, but manage it instead.

Two questions came to mind in application for spiritual leaders:

1) What are the risks if we decide not to lead others to Christ?
2) What are the risks of waiting, or procrastinating, to lead them?

When we procrastinate or are unwilling to take the risk, we take the greatest risk of all.


Procrastination can be one of the most destructive traits in anyone’s life, especially leaders.

It might not be a problem if the decision is inconsequential. If, however, the decision carries consequential value, then procrastinating can be devastating.

Why do people procrastinate?

1) Fear of making the wrong decision
2) Lack of adequate information
3) Not a priority to the decision maker(s)
4) Need for 100% agreement
5) Comfortable with the status quo

There are more, but the results are the same.

When procrastination appears to be a common approach, confidence in leadership wanes and apathy results. Why care about anything if making a decision takes too long?

Reaching Potential

How do we recognize the potential of an individual or a congregation? Actions, Ability, and Attitude.

Is it possible to take these three areas, grow in them, and reach our ultimate potential? Absolutely!!! How?

Stop limiting God. Never think God “will not” do something because we think we “can’t”.

Start thinking BIG! Imagine what God could do through us if we started to think BIG!

Tell others about the possibilities. Telling others moves them into action, so start talking.

Develop a plan into smaller sections.
These smaller sections make the plan workable.

Begin NOW! Procrastination and hesitation are killers to our potential. Don’t wait. Get started.

Potential is too important to wait.

Dangerous Procrastination

Too often, leaders convince themselves they are not quite ready, and so they wait, and wait.

Lemony Snicket tells us, “If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”

What exactly will get us ready? More money? More education? Greater opportunity? Time?

There will always be more questions than answers, but at some point we have to ask, “How will we know we are ready/”

Patience is a virtue, but if we keep waiting, chances are we may never be ready.

The decision is ours. Let’s not wait.


Procrastination is one of the most destructive practices for leaders.

Spiritually, there is a tendency to put off obeying the Gospel, sharing Jesus, or developing a plan for personal growth and development.

Will waiting until tomorrow, or until later, make it possible to avoid responsibility?

Scripture emphasizes the present. Joshua said, “Choose this day whom you will serve.” Jesus said, “Seek first His kingdom…do not worry about tomorrow.” Paul said, “Now is the acceptable time, behold, now is the day of salvation.”

These few places express our present time with urgency.

We need to ask, “Why put off until tomorrow, what can be done today?”

Decision Makers…

Leaders must be decisive. When they are indecisive, their leadership is called into question.

What causes indecisiveness? Here are three possibilities.

Fear: fear of making the wrong decision, the unknown, and fear of failure are leading causes.

Trust: leaders who lack trust in their own abilities and the abilities of others are often indecisive.

this mindset leads to indecision because there is a lack of urgency.

What can be done to help leaders overcome this indecisive tendency?

Gather ALL the facts.
List out the pros and cons.
Pray about it.
Trust your instincts.
Establish a precautionary backup plan.
Then, make the decision.

Time is of the Essence…

We are a few months away from the end of 2020, and I am sure many are ready to reboot.

How has the pandemic impacted our goals? How will we structure goals for 2021?

If we have procrastinated the need to set goals, we need to rethink our direction. If we are waiting to decide what is most important, we have no time to waste.

With so much to do, people to lead to Christ, Christians to strengthen in faithfulness and personal growth, time is of the essence.

Let us use the time God has given us wisely and not waste this opportunity to prepare.

Taking Risks…

Risks involve the possibility of danger or harm. Directing the outcome of risks in leadership means learning how to overcome fear and manage the risk.

Information about risk management abounds, especially in application to leadership.

Spiritually, consider two questions.

1) What are the risks if we decide not to lead others to Christ? 
2) What are the risks of waiting, or procrastinating, to lead them?

When we look at how risks play out from a spiritual perspective, we find the possibility of danger or harm that occurs when we are unwilling to take the risk.