Tag: Psalm 23


I’ve heard the term “elder” used for men appointed to oversee, manage, or pastor the church. The use of this term is biblical, as well as the various terms associated with it.

In recent years, the term shepherd has been used more frequently. Why this change? Does the use of one over the other help us understand more clearly the role needed today?

The idea of shepherding often brings Psalm 23 to mind where David said, “The Lord is my shepherd.”

While it is difficult for most of us to understand the literal work of shepherding sheep, the Bible reveals ideas that can help us think more about shepherds.

Messengers of Hope…

Life is filled with highs and lows. At times, we are on top of the mountain, and other times we walk through the valley.

David understood this when he wrote the twenty-third Psalm.

He understood what was ahead of him, not behind. Even though he walked through the “valley of the shadow of death,” God was with him and he would dwell with God forever.

As leaders, we are messengers of hope.

Better days are ahead, maybe not in this life, but God holds eternity.

Role of the Shepherd…#4

The second statement closely follows yesterday’s thought. Jesus says, “I gave them the words you gave me.” He repeats the idea by saying, “I have given them your word.”

Shepherds are responsible for spiritually feeding the sheep and the spiritual food required for God’s sheep is His word.

In Psalm 23, David relates a similar thought, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” Shepherds know where to lead sheep that they might eat what is best for them. 

Today, the idea rests upon providing the spiritual food that strengthens and sustains the sheep. Know the word of God and use its nutrition to help the sheep grow.

Role of the Shepherd…#1

A frequently asked question in the church today is, “What is an elders’ role?” We often refer to the qualifications (1 Tim. 3; Tit. 1), but what exactly is their function?

The term “shepherd” has become more popular in recent years. As a result, a shepherd’s work is aligned with what we read in Psalm 23. He leads, guides, refreshes, walks alongside, comforts, prepares, and anoints. 

Perhaps others come to mind, but these provide a healthy list related to a shepherd’s role, or work. 

Over the next few days, we will examine another perspective provided by Jesus. The intent is to help us consider the responsibility of the church’s leadership today.